Tuesday, September 20, 2011

clean & squat + throw

foam roll: R medial calf & L glute max lower tight but notably better than yesterday.

hang clean:
5x95+5x100+5x100+5x105+(110 fail)+3x105 -- probably most hang clean volume so far?

BB front squat:

85 isn't easy, 65 feels cleaner but still asymmetric...

{5+5+5+5}+{5+5}+{5+5+5+5}=50 20kg swings

3 1/3 get-ups 45lb gripper plate. Not so great.

11.5min 3.0mi stationary bike

5 1/2 get-ups 8kg KB. feeling good enough to progress somewhere.


highland games first practice!

Braemar stone, light & heavy. elbow up, load right knee (left foot behind right foot wrt trig), reach towards R toe with left arm, throw upwards.

weight for distance: swing fwd/backward to get rhythm, bend knees, cast towards left+high, quick turn, throw upwards. best (14lb?) throw about 54 ft.

hammer throw (12lb): back to trig, hands together near end. shoulders towards 45, swing+swing (arms extended towards 45) then torque, behind+up. best throw about 49 ft.

weight for height: left hand on hip, maybe not go so deep?, bend knees until weight almost hits ground, release later and throw weight behind. best height around 11 ft or 11'6" ish.

caber toss: wide stance, interlock fingers, bring caber up in quick motion and back up if needed.

sprout salad + workshop burg. got my sportkilt!

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