Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2+5 DL; snatch

mega nap after lunch

evening workout:

Coach Nick snatch practice

empty bar hip, up
empty bar hip, knee, hip, knee, hip, up

fab-5 snatch drill
(missed floor) knee, hip, knee, hip, up! OHS

shoulder doesn't feel too bad, esp after warmed up a little. OHS not great, not horrible
super duper asymmetrical on the OHS (right hand so much higher than left)..

TODO: catch w/ knees bent. knees more fwd in hang pos and also in hip position. keep bar close.

shoulder-elevated BB hip thrust: 3x135lb (easy-medium)

front squat (slow up):
1x95+1x105+1x115+(125 fail)+1x120 (pretty slow on way up! but not particularly ugly/asymmetric)



morning workout:

Somewhat sore in the left posterior hip region, not sure how much from front squats and how much from throwing.

HRV score 83/100 today (!). highest evar.

foam roll, more stretches today: glute medius, butterfly, downward & upward facing dog / pry, hip flexors. a little bit of Z and leg swings => soreness not too bad.

10x shoulderstand squat. not really painful, just a lil uncomfortable.

2x225+5x205 deadlift (working on angry kinda DL again, 225 not too bad, 205 moderately easy)
5min rest, 10yd; 25yd sprint afterward.
first sprint not so great, second sprint focused on a strong left leg abductor/anterior hip which seems kinda weak => better.

need to work on that L abductor / anterior hip region...

3+3 45lb gripper plate swing. not feeling it, back a bit too overworked.

would ordinarily do cardio but reducing cardio this week in prep for highland games since my cardio/GPP is already pretty good. picked up 50lb sandbag but didn't feel awesome so put it back down.

this is day 6 in a row training anyway, cardio; tournament; tournament; KB drag+swing, deadlift (hip) day; knee-dominant clean & squat day; deadlift day.

L foot/heel has been pretty good, inversion therapy has helped. R shoulder was a bit sore last night from Highland throwing tho

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