Monday, March 29, 2010

pt walk bettr

thu PT

5 min on bike warmup
same stuff plus a lil lat stuff w/ band (ho pull in ho plane w/ light split squat)


volunteer for the other stanford invite, felt decent so
interval light-medium bike for 20 min maxHR 150 so not too hard..
2+1 left TGU, 20.4kg R MP.
not feeling superstrong w/ R MP or alternating push-press but not superweak
mostly L hip mob


volunteer for more hurdles, pole vault setup
shoulderstand squats


didn't feel so good. more sharp zang near L SI joint in certain movements


more PT, didn't feel great going in, but was good goin' out.
at practice throws were good, did some of the dynamics, no real cutting, felt better than most all of last 3wks i think.
bh hucks consistent at end.
the energy out there felt better today... first day of qtr!
questionable how much i'll play at DUI, maybe none, maybe 1 game, dunno. 2 wks later is sectionals.
pelvis / glute med proprioception better i think, gait perhaps least bad since 3 wks?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010



tue: pt

assessment, gait
muscle energy technique (but biofeedback suggests opp flex/extension?)
slow mob circa L4/L5
rly tight hip flexors (have been in hip flexion a lot)
clamshell focus on glute med rather than TFL pref. recruitment

nerve glide (no dorsiflexion), mcgill suggests 5s per rep plus no 2h since rising/no pain

after PT later
2+1 get-ups 20.4kg on left side (R side ungood feel)
25lb alternate push press neutral biofeedbk
shoulderstand sqt biofeedbk+
arm cycle 5 min
assisted pull
wall push up--R elbow still minor tweaky in diff angles (hmm, has been 3.5wk, not good. some sort of ligament/muscle tear/strain?)

15 flights heavyhands upstairs
tired again pre & post lunch hm (naan make me tired?)
mood was rly good last week, now slightly flagging.. bleh
last night tho for a few steps at night gait felt normal! for 3-4s.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

play play


scrimmaging, on and off for 2.5h, still meh but can at least move


throwing practice w/ grush and kidz. fh lift is getting better! fan grip bh for grush improves his lift, fan grip lh improves fh lift.

reverse push pass going well, also grush's funny fireball and discus thing..



100+ girls, 4 dogs, 6 teams of 15+, much fun.

fury drill, no upline, away, deep or in.

zg drill, footwork in gauntlet as D.

sj drill, throw for 6 throws, fh / bh alternate to short huck. advice was to throw earlier as thrower.

3v3 w/ subs make it take it, +1 for score, -1 for turn, +3 to win or -2 to lose.

scrimmaging! took 3 tab ibu earlier so felt decent, played w/ mags! and cree a bit. difficult to defend that fury girl :p

not used to vert stack handlin' but had a bh lift for score and patient dish on endzone for score. a lil sore but iced and a lil ibu..

Monday, March 15, 2010

diagnosis; 3v3

spine clinic today:

"Diagnosis: left facet irritation, (L) SIJ inflammation"

after that, DMV (long line)
CostCo contacts, think about laser/lasik. maybe as next bday present?! ^_^

afternoon visit goetz cleats
throwing for 5-10 min

gentle 3v3 in VFF w/ breaks, jogging but not much run (like 20-25 min on-off w/ a sub sometimes)

"visionary" (as ruggles put it) fh with slight I/O to cutter's break side.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

glute medius

some glute medius thoughts.

FMS ASLR pain fail but L ROM 10-15 whereas R ASLR ROM more like 30-35.
< pain w/ pelvic anterior tilt (retrovert) in supine position..

have to remember, antevert [posterior tilt] whilst sitting, retrovert [anterior tilt] whilst standing/supine.
also Gokhale rib anchor, whether sit / stand / supine

SLR / neurodynamic slump test: adding ankle dorsiflexion and inversion adds neural tension (also note mild dural tension, circa soleus soft tissue..), cervical flexion adds a little neural tension, not as much as ankle DF/IN.

notable lack of neural sliding around L5/S1/PSIS.. [don't forget to stacksit?]

if some glute medius tendinopathy / sciatic neuritis on one side, then interesting that reverse valslide lunge and sciatic-etc nerve glide both help. also notable asymmetry in lunging R vs L.. glute medius can act as hip abductor [NOTE: note TFL dominance over glute medius in S-phase side flow!]




glute medius: note SL squat and side-lying hip abduction. advice based on analogizing to achilles tendinopathy is to eccentric load glute medius (!).

glute medius often considered a hip abductor but also actually acts to stop pelvis from dropping during gait (also see, and presumably during a split squat type lunge... hmm so during R stance phase, the opp (P?)GM fires to maintain pelvis, which means that i'm overloading/overusing the L glute medius due to repetitive unilateral lunging...

also, probably loaded during gait / running / landing? which means that overused L GM is compensating for a weak R GM?

possible exercises:

- quadruped hip extension w/ external hip rotation
- stepdowns >> SLS according to ACE study
- X band walk [how to focus on eccentric?] (< -- ACE study link)

biofeedbk recovery


[today: heavyhands+chain stairclimbing, 1/2+1/4 TGU, MP / clean practice, reverse valslide lunge / shoulderstand squat]

44 hr training over 15 dy [~2wk]
1wk rest (H1N1)
36 hr training over 17 dy [~2+wk]
1+wk rest (posterior hip inflammation)

time to read more sahrmann / watch neurodynamic techniques

Saturday, March 6, 2010



sparse practice (me + howler, wiley + zbar injured)
warmup, throwing.

try yelena's suggestion for holding bh disc w/ wrist non-goosenecked, a lil further in front. seems to be easier to add spin / throw IO esp!

play around w/lunging a little more frontal plane rather than transverse and throwing bh low IO from transverse plane in front of lunging leg. hm.

scrimmage on wilbur w/ aero-astro peeps. got one dish, lots of upline cuts. tried to work on throwing early to in-cuts but they were sort of ugly. got some around passes, could still be better at staying close when they cut deep rather than fronting. ie catch up!

1h scrimmage or so, sprint 1x after.


tired, DOMS from deadlifting? bed-rest


stanford invite shift!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


monday practice

focus a bit on mental training, feel goodish
work on break throws

tue handler practice chalk talk
china for break dump. need to throw earlier on in-cut, practice this.

20.4kg oly plate MP right-side 1+3+3+1+2. not as many as last week, L side also slightly weaker.
recovering from lots of pulls over wknd i guess, elbow R is slightly better, R shoulder a bit weird after a few 20.4 kg MP.

2 sets 1+1 20.4kg Oly get-up, 1+1 get-up later.

1x5 135 lb (inc bar)
5 min rest
1x3 155 lb
5 min rest
1x1 185 lb

try side DL w/ 135, balance not quite working
tired after big din, skip out on hlm sk8?