Friday, June 26, 2009


Sun- rest

Mon- 10 min alternating partial 2/3rd TGU w 12kg Kb, notably weak on L side, should drop to 8kg next wk

Tue- pfly practice for 1h. Felt okay. Better at creating separation as handler for dump cut.

Wed- rope warmup, lunges / dynamics, 5min rope (feeling meh wrt L wrist and Lat), 8kg Kb Sw with jogging. 8kg SLDL 3x6, gob squats. Interval sprints & running for 5 min w Vibrams for first time. Easier than barefoot :)

Thu- Berkeley game. Felt better than last week but not as great as 2wk ago? Didn't have much play time cuz 9 girls and only 3 on at a time. Played best for last all-girl pt :)

Think will just rest L wrist/lat and R ankle this week. Minor injuries only noticeable at extreme ROM, but probably need more time to heal without loading. Otherwise abductors are still firing, glutes seem okay, todo check on R calf a little next week (trigger point when max tensed?). Instead work on breathing (diaphragmatic and pelvic floor), glute stretch, Z and hot/cold for joints.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

R lat


Listen to bad-ass Gray Cook KB secrets replay again. Remember pelvic floor activation, been working on diaphragmatic breathing this past week too. Don't forget to brace using both rectus and diaphragm! Todo read more about role of pelvic floor in IAP / core stabilization.

superslow Z R-phase work (ankles tightened up from Thu playin)
12kg Kb TGU practice (left side still asym weak)
12kg Kb BUC practice (left wrist distal ligament none too happy with just a few of these tho boo, start PT this Tues for that)

{5,3,3} 7-9s pyramid set Single leg bridge focus on glute med and abductor activation
Bird dog practice, notable asymmetry! Focus on this as a movement pattern to observe


Feelin pretty good mentally. Casual throwing & freeline skating. Fh notably better upwind than Bh, Lat tightness causing me to put too much anhyzer on Bh?

Casual pickup for 1h post-picnic. Not as limber as on Thu but better than usual. Shortened Z-, jog, backward lunge, cross-over / shuffle / Spidey warmup. Focus on defender and their vector not just spacing, separation is the metric to hack. Getting better at that. Still lazy with stepping out and faking, get punished by tall markers ^_^. Stepping out / low release speed is not great. Pretty good on lazy offense, used the "Boom Boom" marking strategy my coach suggested, seems to work and is intimidating when someone tried it on me :)


Rest! Funny, I can't crack my R shoulder, have been able to do that for like a decade (prob not a good thing). Still can crack left. Need to work on something around there. It might be some weird delt/trap/lat issues, dunno. Have been focusing on superslow Z R-phase (5 reps) maybe that has helped? Plus some SMR-type work. Maybe arm bars need to be used again? Dunno. Will try replicating last week's goodness, barefoot running on Tue + Vibram jump rope and 3:1 Kbell SLDL to Pistol and finish with Kb swing sets.

Friday, June 19, 2009

gray cook hotness

Listening to Gray Cook's teleseminar again! Awesome stuff... also just signed up, or rather applied for, Sept MovNat seminar!!

Okee so have had Vibram FiveFingers for a week now, and feel really good. Have been rehabilitating myself from the ground up, as I wrote on a fb note this morning:

"It's been an interesting journey this past year, getting (back) into [bad-ass :] shape instead of developing myself further as an artisan baker. I definitely had to start from the ground up, rehabbing my ankles / achilles / calves through barefoot / Nike Free / and now Vibram FiveFinger work, addressing lower-back dysfunction through appropriate diaphragmatic power breathing & glute activation plus context-appropriate hip mobility and posture, and more recently learning to run properly (parkour practice) && re-engaging my adductors appropriately with careful ankle mobility and fast&loose tension-relaxation work to clean up my minor hip/ITB issues."

So yea, ankles r good, achilles tendon okay, calves and quads are a little better, finally got my adductors firing the other day with hip lifts and manual manipulation?!

This week:

Tue- "practice" w Jimmy/Ed/Rob, throws were decent when cold, good when body warm (L lat tightness?)

Wed- jump rope warmup & Kb gob squats, 3:1 ratio of SLDL to SL Kb 8kg Pistol. Cutting practice, ankle mobility work, also super slow Z drills for hip/ankle. Finish with a few sets of 8kg 1-handed Kb Swing, a few press & snatches to practice.

Thu- game vs SF rush. Lower body felt great! Awesome ankle mobility, able to use stretch reflect really well w/ ankles, felt great to bounce around, good running speed. Focused on learning more about cutting. Todo try making sure not to crowd handler if on open side and non-zone, but on break side or if no open cut then try to close distance to D then move from really close to one way. Also on O in ho stack or vert, look for space then try to focus on separation rather than just arbitrary movements. Separation as a fn of distance and D girl's position/velocity vector!

Only weak point was L lat/trap tightness. Not sure what that is, maybe just the asymmetry of mid-back? Perhaps try the BUC as self-limiting exercise (thx Gray Cook!). (Also try TGU as a "systems check")

Self-limiting exercises: jump rope, running up hill, barefoot running, BUC, SLDL, TGU or BU|1/2 TGU, half-kneeling chop/lift/press. 1/3 of workout should be one of these!

(dbl BUC + plus squat hmm. grip to core to glutes)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Warmup / Spidey / leg swing
2x6 8kg Gob Sq practice
2x(5+5) 12kg Kb SDL
8+8 8kg Kb Sw practice
2+2 12kg Kb TGU practice

Warmup / Spidey / lunge / Z
5min warmup rope
3x6 45lb Oly plate gob-type deep squat
light bar lunges
2+1 OHS practice (almost decent w/ empty Oly bar)
10min interval rope (work on half-step with criss-cross some mo')
pistol progression (box lowering to heel touch)
eccentric calf raise
foam roll (minor glute med tightness)
hip flexor / adductor work

ulty practice (aerobic zone... not feeling great today, but not horrible.)

14-13 against classy!
work on being in cup, no around. R hip/glute med/ITB? minor tightness towards end but otherwise strong.
conditioning okay, need to practice cutting fundamentals.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

casual pickup today...

1500kCal, mostly aerobic the first hour (< 168), more anaerobic sprints the second (maxHR=215) and third hour (maxHR=213), but still 2-4x in aerobic vs anaerobic for casual play. hmm.

have been working on running form/practice for weeks now and it's def paying off... feel like i can run in the aerobic zone w/o getting too tired, less misdirected energy. have been reducing arm swing this past week, need more practice there.

lookin at regionals data.
just sat,
vs s'fly 9:6 aerobic/anaerobic
vs santa cruz 23min aerobic vs 39min anaerobic
game 3: 28:4
vs cal-b: 5:1 (!)

sat sectionals.
vs s'fly 9:3
vs santa cruz 8min to 15min anaerobic
game 3: 11:4

vs davis-b 15:5
vs sonoma? 12:12
game 3: 2:5

122 total aerobic (150-168) , 94 total anaerobic (168+), lots more sub-150. hmm!
still need lots of adductor work / lateral movement practice, but overall feeling pretty balanced and not too tired. haven't been doing sprint work really.
learned today that apparently runner's high is just for aerobic work, not interval anaerobics? good to know...

interesting tho in retrospect, best games happened when i was warm enough to sprint and spend more time in anaerobic vs aerobic zone... still good to have an aerobic base i guess.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

squats & plates

Morning warmup (Z-type / tiger tail)
Bike to ACSR / backward lunge / 5 min light rope / spidey crawl hip mobility

2x5 45lb Oly plate deep squat
2x5 50lb bbell DL (2 min rest--realize I upgraded max strength last summer but didn't have much strength-endurance, thus would help connective tissue & training specificity to increase reps but dec weight & maybe keep light: sub 100lb, also reduce rest period from 5 min to 2 min)
empty Oly bbell overhead squat practice (almost breaking the butt/knee plane, stance still slightly wide)

realized lat/shoulder mobility is my new weakest link: hip mobility is way better and maintained with air squats / Oly plate deep squat / spidey crawls but need to add back in RKC arm bars (with kbells or plates or mballs) and adjust length-tension relationship circa anterior supraspinatus? also work on lat tightness again.

10-15 min interval ropework, morning RHR 62, maxHR=168 (about 75% of HRmax 225). 15-25s rest intervals.

half-step rope turns looking good, getting faster! also able to half-step plus cross-over at slow and almost at fast speeds!! rosstraining here we come.

shoulder / rotator cuff stretch; ASLR, gastroc / soleus stretch, ITBand stretch, cooldown
post-workout chia fresca / dry roasted edamame / toasted bagel w smart balance / h2o


yesterday, parkour practice to/from lab. a lil tight/cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon. tripped on a window going a little too fast... started falling but used amzing reflexes to land almost exactly on balls of my feet!! that coulda been dangerous. just ended up with the barest of scratch on R tricep / side of palm.

2dy ago rest.

tmrw, PrisonFly / P'fly scrimmage :p