Sunday, January 31, 2010

my toes

both my toes are a bit inside-the-toenail bloody, alas, i suppose i like these lax cleats but i do tend to push my big toes into the front after a whiles cutting in them, esp on turf...

this wknd went okay, 2 games won, 2 games lost by a point, 2 games which were a challenge.

def on first day was a bit tired--taking those 4 days to recuperate from the first 20 days of the month sapped aerobic conditioning pretty quick. wasn't horrible, but conditioning was meh.

felt better on the first day than i did first day of last tourney (santa barbara), and back felt pretty good on day two. actually conditioning wasn't too bad on day two but yes a bit tired.. on day 2 realized i have quite a bit of work to do on the mental game.. wasn't focused at first but then channeled my role model for a bit and focused on being and feeling confident, that was good.

second game vs sdsu was tough, had to learn how to pick up the disc facing the sideline since they were marking super close, but after i learned that got a couple of nice pivot and huck backhands.. strength was good for pulling, actually fh pull was probably slightly longer.. handler cuts not great, dump cuts okay nut could be better, need to work on zone O handling..

rolled a lot in the last game.. but mentally wasn't always in the game.

first day tho fun.. lots of sticky hits.

oh yea and my calves boo, esp right one. i have been ignoring them for a while, and you don't quite need to hit them in the swing and the get-up, which i've been hammering on these last few weeks. did some isometrics post day2 tourney, and then after a big dinner (yesterday was extrastuff barbacoa burrito, chips, a little bread, a taco with chewy fish, chalupa and like 5 chocolate chips), did some sets of 10-12 shouldstand squats, dozenish beginner wall pushups, then 5 + 3 + 2 pyramid horizontal pull (after almost progression horizontal pull 30+30+40). can't quite get chest to table, might be the grip?

10+20 short bridges, 5+5 straight bridges, 10 rep knee tuck. for some reason i always want to do 20kg cleans for a rep or two, dunno, my NS likes it.

more big toe icing, then some R calf heat.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

handler ho

handler practice
latex ftw =)
dump sets, middle. try the closer-to-handler D thing, seems to work first time. next time got thrown under, can do the hand wavewave next time. stay on toes!

figured out ankle issue? w/ RT NS ROM biofeedbk, have been putting weight slightly fwd rather than back towards heel when walking running, perhaps compensating for the injury months ago.. put it slightly back + to the right and feels / tests good!

call number => first handler right-away.

if middle and dumping, clear to sideline.

sideline not-trap, first handler clears up, second cuts toward.

trapped, handler D can shade but not rotate.

oh yeah and realized that i torque/superstiffcore well when just standing, but was stiffening early on step out. if want to throw and step-out, then tighten as the foot hits.


shoulderstand squats
16kg/20kg cleans/MPs

halfway there w/ L hand 20kg clean & press...!

Monday, January 25, 2010

mo' rest

more rest today... mildly sore but seeming to recover.

a few shoulderstand squats
20kg clean practice
20kg MP on right side, L side not quite there
16kg MP for a few reps on L side

shoulders still feeling open (from sat face down stretch, neck turned + rotation)

a few more shoulderstand squats (can get both arms to hit ground if eyes up, supine!)
a few more 16kg/20kg cleans and presses. half-getups

Sunday, January 24, 2010


hkc! today my hip flexors & LB are a tad sore. interestingly last wknd wasn't really sore after SaraC's workshop, but am sore after this one... in both was slightly tired as have been training/practicing lots, like 24h these last 8 consecutive days of training (today rest), and something like 45h over the last 2-3wks..

main points are avoiding too much flexion in cervical / thoracic / lumbar spines (head looking down in bottom of swing, keeping tall in bottom of goblet sq, don't go too deep there, also half-way through get-up, also play around with heel foot positioning).

shoulderstand squats still test extremely well ROM test/re-test wise. ankle generally better but still not completely happy for some reason. more rest tomorrow?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

mon tue wed

mon practice inside for 1h, tried to rest ankle, played 3v3, beat 4/4 teams played? i think. unless last v annie tied =)
limited warmup
focus on throwing from split squat ("lunge"), loading hamstrings a bit
mostly throwing
outside dump set practice, try to remember pushing your D if handler on and then going the other way. tried giving buffer and being a little closer to disc as handler D, but remember to adjust based on height of handler (!, like skiddo, mark arms lower, also in general if closer to mark, hands lower, if closer to O, hands middle/up if rly close).
after practice did some flexed arm hang practice (not that long tho?)

tue handler practice in da rain... hard to put contacts on in da dark (power outage)
practice trapped dump set, first handler cuts upline or fakes back (less jukes more cuts) and then goes upline, most of the time handler will look off, then you turn counterclock if fh force and typically go either back or across. i guess across is better since if trapped the disc holder can't easily rush across since mark is in the way.

if disc handler, then fake-throw signal to initiate dump, look off if not open quickly (try to make decisions faster! as disc handler), try to put disc out to space (off handler cuts more back rather than 45).

if in middle, off handler is between (i think) on and disc-handler fieldlengthwise.

also if on sideline (not trapped) but forced fh, then no need to face upfield directly since the around break isn't probably going to happen, could do like 30-45?

anyway latex gloves tested well on tues, chalk was okay but not superhot, maybe just reserve for pulling and if have the time (stopped disc).

wed s&c w/ me at 815 (more like 825-920) in arrilaga am, rainy!
reverse lunge thoracic twist (one side) warmup, t-spine rotation the other way (counterclock) getting better.
selected r-phase, using RT NS ROM to select more appropriate drills, woot (knuckle extension mostly for test/re-test RT)
flexed arm hang not so hard 30s practice
5 min light-medium-hard interval rope work, gently to not aggravate ankle too much. form feels okay.
10lb BU TGU with oly plate, still 1/2 way need to practice another day
calf concentrics (one leg up, two legs down, what RT NS told me to do rather than calf eccentrics)

1/2 Pistol w/ 10lb counterbalance for a little quad activation.
true stretch hamm etc.
tight plank w/ feet together as per sara.

so starting sat (6+5 + 2+1+1+0+2 + 2+8)=27 [over 9dy] + 2+1+1 for 31h over 12dy, then with 2h tmrw, 0 for rest, 7h sat that'll be 40h over 15dy. ~_~

Monday, January 18, 2010

strength by sara

strength by sara! yesterday. went to the other gym first, oops, then synergy in SF.

swing--tall spine
swing progression, start with sumo DL, wall squat (need to focus on big chest here in/closeto the hole)
plank position--feet in to maximize adductor work

before actually continuous swing can do gob squat (also big chest here) and then use pole touching at head/t-spine/butt. also hike hike hike then hut-swing. imagine throwing bell to groin or what you do if you're kicked in the sensitive bits (heh), sit back not down. 10 sets of 15:15 w/ 12kg. wait a little before throwing the bell down but don't rest (rock back on heels) at the bottom (for efficiency not hard-style)

get-up! sara suggested straight leg at 45, doesn't matter if it bends? she says. prefer straight leg foot pointed up, but can start w/ ext. rotation (same w/ swing). punch & crunch, make sure to keep *both* shoulders back and down (wasn't focusing on L shoulder b4). keep deck hand in same position, but can ext. rotate b4 high bridge. keep bent knee (same as pressing hand side) not-collapsed but up and supported. thoracic extension / big chest right b4 high bridge!!

cleans. bottoms-up clean also keeps elbow in,

MP--KB MP PR 20kg on R side! not yet on L side, 24kg not yet on R, but 20kg! first time. didn't do that after practice on sat but got it on sun. spiraling. one idea is to create space (shoulder down) then use it. otherwise sometimes can be easier to clean (to rack) and then press, rather than dropping down (that one time).

snatch--need to pull up faster / close to body (more explosive!). was 22 reps in vo2max cadence test w/ 12kg, should re-test w/ 8kg.. tore up R hand a little (mid palm) but should be okay, haven't done 10 sets of 15:15 for like monthsmonths.

viking pushpress--don't dip until the bell hits the rack, can bend knees a little bit.

pistol--if practicing assisted, keep chin/head over knee for weight.

thx sara! also talked about myelination (mostly in brain), did RT NS ROM biofeedback for figuring out which direction to skin skim for joint mob (ankle)... also lat ankle tilts seriously crack my R ankle heh. w/ hanging knee circle, keep at 45 rather than 90 to reduce stress / take other muscles out of it. shoulder mobility at pointing up could be better for R-phase and in get-up.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

p time

new team name: pterrafly or is it pterrifly?

rest yesterday,
today active recovery at practice, take it pretty easy. should focus on going for dish by cutting halfway between vertical and directly to player, abouts, but wasn't sprinting much... doing more ROM testing to see which dynamics i liked (left skip skip stretch) and didn't (shuffle). back seems okay, just hesitant about ankle, esp cuz have KB/Z workshop tomorrow!

practiced pulling from fh position in split squat (lunge) position, realized i should probably be loading my hamstrings there and a little more anterior tilt than usually, need to practice that. also practiced throwing fh pull from momentum step but perhaps nail the non-momentum first.

did S&C for 10-12 minutes! about 11 girls, did goblet squats with 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 10 / 18 lb, then alternating front planks with disc hits to stay tight, then like 4 minutes of alternating 5 or 6 swings with running. plank form was relatively good compared to swing form, which was still way too much swing squat... hmm, will have to figure out how to address that before i try teaching swings in a group. tried the hike pull, maybe they need to hit something behind them?

(update: since took easy recovery practice, thought also about experimenting with dump D, pay attention to how mark is set up and give the off handler a big buffer, the closer you are to handler the harder it is to dump unless they go upline or ho cut across, but if trapped it seems like it's pretty hard if you are close to handler since you can also pop up upline...

went to gym, selected mobility, mainly knees, thoracic, one shoulder, opp shoulder camshafts... doing more RT NS ROM biofeedback these days! even w/ Z drill selection. amazing how quickly i can get balanced. finger extension waves are also good.

reverse lunge w/ thoracic twist, one side. 35s flexed arm hang! then 30s later. 20.4kg Oly plate get-ups, 1+1 for 2 sets awhiles apart. stretching. leg swinging for dynamics. no spiderman today. 22s/22s later for flexed arm hang. watching the vids helped a lot w/ form. L shoulder feeling a lot stronger. R ankle feeling okay but rested a little anyway at practice cuz KB workshop tmrw. some goblet squats, tried overhead squat with empty bar, but didn't feel great so put it down after quarter squat. empty hand OHS is almost passable but not there yet. ASLR seems symmetric, decent, dunno how high but okayish right now even after practice/refresher workout)

Friday, January 15, 2010

work work work

challengin' work, but good for me in the end?

has been tourney (6h sat), tourney (5h sun), team practice (2h mon), handler practice (1h tue), S&C in-gym by YT (1h wed), team practice (2h thu), and hopefully rest! (today)

then i'll be team practice (2h sat), sf kb/z workshop (8h mon), followed by the same 2 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 0 for the week, then 2h next Sat, HKC (8h)...! then it'll be davis tourney, then vegas tourney. hot damn.

(6+5 + 2+1+1+0+2 + 2+8)=27 hr over 9 days, dang. overworked any?

my LB was annoyed those first 6+5hr days but felt good on day 3... and since then things were pretty good until S&C day when i did jump rope and realized my R ankle wasn't happy, so took it easier yesterday at practice... at night did RICE really late plus NS ROM TrP release (in one direction as per NS testing), plus a little SMR on plantar aponeurosis, mainly the medial side apparently?

well, gotta chill easy today and get some academic work done...!

and ask about running S&C tmrw, prob take even more ankle break too.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

semi-private trains

skiddo ankle mobility, knee Z R-phase, wrists, elbows.

foam roll for a bit, skiddo's tight near the TFLs on both sides

shouldstand squat, goblet squat, to SLS 1/2 progression (she could stabilize better for this last one)
push progression: wall pushup, kneeling, then regular. she needs to engage obliques better (side bridges were good)
pull progression: standing, then below a oly bar.

chop&lift 10lb both sides. pretty good form.
light < 10lb 1/2 TGU

pretty much same for wires but she needs more shoulder mobility, so did 1/2 TGU and armbars too.
i followed along and then did 20.4kg plate get-up, some chop&lift meself, a few minutes of light-medium ropework.
R ankle a little complainy, L piriformis slightly annoyed from probably 24kg work recently.

respond really well to reverse lunges with thoracic twist though (on one side), as well as directed scar mobilization (one direction only with jazz hands NS biofeedback). just watched RTK DVD. Sara's KB workshop this wknd!

20.8" vert test, 22-23s flexed arm hang

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

handler practice

handler practice today at 8a, got kicked off wilbur after a bit (we had warmed up and threw, i coached sharpie re: 3rd derivative and planar motion for a bit).

handler dump sets, middle and sideline (non-trapped).

opened the 24kg tonight. did some swings and cleans which tested NS biofeedback good! first get-up had to abort on the way up 1/2 get-up, but second try w/ ling spotted did it with pretty good form, woot ^_^


things to work on:

- moving the disc faster
- throwing with step-out momentum
- dump set paying attention to defender positioning and doing sharper handler cuts
- upline / reset+swing ho cut

no sleep

it's 316a and i cannae sleep. patterns have been disturbed for a few days now, ever since i practiced 20kg snatches and get-ups late that wednesday night (just got the bell in the mail)... then thursday i stayed in bed til late morning, had practice, then lower-back nociception fri morn so delayed get-up til early afternoon... then drive-out to SB, didn't really sleep in the hotel on fri night, sat night slept some and sunday night more (?) but still was slightly disturbed due to cow milk protein intake too? ice cream sunday night unexpectedly... and now maybe some overstim from practice (2 doggies for sprints to end the practice) and some mild poor-quality cheese intake for dinner (WD today) at the co-op...

that said i'm moving well and was able to do decent sprints at the end of practice, plus with the core anti-rotation activation, my pulls were feeling great, almost 80yd, but high and arc-y with really good power... practiced the dish and in the scrimmage went 3-0 and then did a double-dish for the last play =) -- go sticky!

tonight after practice (which was warmup done slowly in VFFs, go-to, dish, buffer practice, scrimmage, sprints), and baking, did a little foam roll, a little valslide (NS biofeedback tested really well for valslide lunges posterior), some stick work, lateral openers tested really well NSB-wise too. watching dan john as well, eye training w/o glasses now too..

Sunday, January 10, 2010

back arr

dang, so mon had practice was okay
tue did active recovery (stationary bike & hang/pull work)
wed did a few 20kg Kbell snatch/swing/get-up on one side (R) and after that
on thurs felt a lil tweaky at practice (just did one sprint at end) [got up late monring]
then fri [got up early afternoon...] drove out
at UCSB we beat davis-b, alameda girls (dbl game point), ucla-by, lost to san diego-b
felt meh was up then down then up then down, in a slight upward tilt

somewhat tight at night but not as bad as last tourney (chico) in the fall
didn't play most of day 2 (today) first game, but then came in 8-10 to win 11-10 (mega Ds)
threw better over the course of the day, did well vs sonoma (was on maggie?), then dbl game point on ucsb-b..

throwing was okay, sometimes inconsistent, not great into the wind, need to step out more, practiced throwing earlier. didn't break up line or cut across as much as did on monday or end of last qtr hm.

but yea makes me think of how 1.3yr ago i got really strong/fast in the linear direction but didn't have mobility/lateral speed/endurance, and then built up more endurance over that year, then mobility over the summer, and more lateral strength after that, to where i'm pretty strong now (20kg Kbell get-ups / snatches) and really mobile, and conditioning wasn't really a prob, just the lower back fear... but Z thoracics and biofeedback-based flexion or extension helped keep it in check, reading today about McKenzie extension work and also vitamin D (!) but i think i just need to balance out push/pull and not push too hard each week with max-strength work... also the psychosocial component...

felt better today tho i was afraid a bit, yesterday i ran more like 40-60% today between 55-85% at times, def could keep up the linear speed with anyone, lateral quickness could be a little better but was okay, throwing consistency was iffy for hucks but good medium/short, pulls got better over the weekend, had a few that rolled ob in the endzone =)

Monday, January 4, 2010


first practice of 2010! shorter this qtr, like 2h.

conditioning okay/good, anaerobic okay/good, strength good, pull okay/good.

practiced handler cuts upline and dump side run across which worked. ended on nice grab in corner slide from skiddo =)

was going to practice flex hang today but just practice at home for a few reps almost hang.

remember the throw to space, not to where they are currently heading ^_^

(L, not quite piriformis today? more like glute med? feels a little tight after practice but not too much..)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


101 posts later, I might be train-journaling more on precision nutrition now that I'm a member there. perhaps i'll log my Ultimate notes here?

as i mentioned there, did 20.4kg Oly plate Turkish get-ups today woo ^_^.