Saturday, November 28, 2009

play play back

light mobility warmup
R ankle a lil wonky barefoot on grass, when supported (in cleats) didn't notice rly
R knee still a lil sticky in closed chain knee circles (going counterclock)
been working on lumbar mobility lots, prob need more flexion flexibility too..

25min throwing, interesting how releasing trigger pts on the forearm screws with throwing timing, finger / hand mobility screws a lil with catching. noticed i have at least three kinds of fh throws, hip driven (far), lat driven (med), wrist driven (shorter). could prob practice wrist driven more?

90min almost continuous play (5 min rest), conditioning good, strength good, power okay, middle third a lil sore in lower back, but after a few min rest (LB in extension) and focusing on tall spine felt okay'er for last 30 min. and yea a bit better than last wknd i think.

also have been doing some psoas and piriformis tp massage ball work. review this foam roll massage series again soon:

(need to work on staying parallel on deepest O, also get to the side when contesting deep hucks)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

ankle flex

R/I-phase work (shoulder front circles improving, now to work on side shoulder circles too. pelvis slowly mobilizing esp posterior tilting)

3 mi non-stationary bike, mix of aerobic / lactate / intervals
R ankle slightly unhappy, is it tendon overstress? opposing joint (L wrist extension in various position plus L shoulder extension circles helps a little but should prob rest over dec)

planning drive to tempe 4 s-phase, have dinner in LA on wed night, return by mon afternoon?

challah bake =)

4.3 tactical pushups (NS likes)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Throwing practice w/ Cory, Pants & Tank. Warm today!

Not catching 1h well for some reason hmm.

bh feeling good, worked on the anterior 0deg lunge bh that i fumbled last wknd and remembered i don't practice. practiced throwing fh emilyD style, which is to say less hip/core/shoulder rotation and really just getting it from the wrist / elbow. Realized that's easier to throw consistently from multiple angles and harder to read, prob easier to throw and go too?

Jogging / running form. T-stop practice plus hip turns. Feel okay. 5-6 sprints with jog/run intervals, didn't push too hard just get HR up some. Interesting that today R hip/glute was mild complainy. L forearm still healing from snatch/TGU practice, got tptherapy products too, piriformis needs work, R calf not as bad as it was last night.

NWU1 at faster than usual, remember that 4 lumbar circles, bend knees.

valslide anterior lunges (fastish 8rep sets)
valslide lateral lunges don't feel as good, feel mild tightweirdness in adductors, huh; felt better after opposing joint flexed shoulder circles cross body. still need to work on form tho. concentrated on anterior core.

valslide 1hand mobile plank thingies. 5 on each side fwd, 5 on each side lateral (this time try flexing non-mobile elbow push-up style--tis challenging ^_^)

Monday, November 23, 2009

trigger pt

lots of trigger pt work today...
esp R calf (!)
then lats/QL, a little neck/scalene
moderate L forearm too

R/I phase work, focus on lumbar mobility to discourage nociceptors...
good release overall
working slowly on cervical spine proprioception2

swing swung

5 min throwing practice w/ random roble peeps

watch club level ulty on sand hill for 'bout an hour half

(thought about my weaknesses, strength-endurance generally for posterior chain? not sure what the root cause exactly is, if it's really posterior or anterior chain strength-endurance, running form, mobility, soft tissue...)

skim travell's book for a bit
reverse lunge warmup w/ ling
spiderman (not as loose today, lower back is mild tight..)
5min jump rope in vibrams (have been doing that more in frees, harder w/ vibrams)

spot ling's back squat / bench, practice front squat (arms cross style)
TGU 12kg practice 1+1, 1+1
12kg swing practice, snatch practice.
swing snatch clean re-rack press front squat complex practice
swing eccentrics don't feel great... :-/ have a cam tho now so can vid.
maybe practice eccentric only? or just do more wall squats consistently. somehow w/ the load my eccentric form seems to change...

well, still thinkin' bout HKC SEA / RKC SD / Nat'l 2011? Hmm ^_^

Saturday, November 21, 2009

big game day

didn't much sleep last night (or all?)

NWU for pickup
hip opening carioca, ulty fitness-style warmup #1 stuff
select shoulder circles and thoracics etc
warmup in frees

conditioning feeling good, strength good, haven't run in seems like weeks? but felt good. after 60-75 min or so tho had some middle/up-midback tightness, then after chilling was TMJ mild pain, coccyx tapping + pelvic mobility & SCM SMR helped.

post-game 75m sprint
feelin' goodish afterward

ordered big game burger for first time?! ^_^ stanford is down now tho boo 24-14 cal has the edge..

Friday, November 20, 2009



parkour practice was cancelled today due to rain..

rolling toe pulls / 3 pos lat. ankle tilts
lumbar circles spaz in middle, need to ease into that.
today actually feelin' something more in my R hip! but only a lil
lastnight my midfoot was a lil crampy, prob the flex/ext waves i practiced last wk plus all the vibram work i've been doing

lacrosse ball plantar aponeurosis SMR (and a few min white foam roll for glute meds, gasp ^_^ :)
toe flex/ext waves
ball of foot circles / pegboard

i-phase thoracics / flexed arm shoulder circles
interesting to note that in supine pos have more limited L hip ext rotation compared to L int, R ext/int, contralateral flexed shoulder circles helped that
ant lunge fwd/back flexed shoulder circles

A&C hip int/ext rot practice on airex (for upper body)

last night taught 8kg get-up & swing to a strong friend, he went home and did CF OH style swing but i told him not to do that :)

thinking of starting the i-phase 6wk training sched on mon! pulled the sheet out to post

Thursday, November 19, 2009


couldn't sleep, yesterday was inflection pointy... re: academics, athletics, funding. hm.

got out before dawn (624a) did r/i phase drills in the 40degF chill.

walk to arrilaga, reverse lunge and a few other mobility drillz warmup

10min moderate rope work, feeling generally good. three power jumps in a row. crossover from alternating step screwed up sometimes. didn't get too sweaty.

5 and 5 low spiderman crawls, hip mobility felt good, low.

hang. tested out chin up strength, not great, didn't attempt even -40 lb, just one test negative.

bodyweight squats a lil during ropework

2+2 25lb oly plate get-ups, seems good. left wrist strength could be better. feel open-er on the hips.

a few stretches, lateral openers, walk home, time for a few boiled eggs. have been doing warrior diet again for last few days... as a cleanse? not sure what'll it be for next 6-8wks, have thought about trying out PN but also maybe should focus on work w/ scott? also walking back today reconsidering S-phase... before i was all into it, a few weeks ago was so so, but today maybe recomitting to it? will thinksleeptalk on it.

R adductor might be a little sore, was that from trying out heel on floor cossacks a la pavel super joints? also a slight diff sensation more like in L glute med? huh.


i haven't been training really for almost 10 days now and ow that hurts.

10 days ago was the last practice i went to, then drove out to i-phase and didn't get much strength or CRF work in, just some valslide practice and LOTS of mobility work.

then got back, missed another practice / the santa cruz tourney and it turns out we don't have practice today...

well, just did some r-phase i-phase tonight, focusing moreso on c-spine mobility and opposing joints / mirror image work esp for L/R hip extension/abduction/adduction/flexion, basically lots of L/R arm flexed work for the hip weirdness, and it def seems to be working better than the single joint opposing/mirror work.

have some c-spine SMA? gotta learn more about pelvic mobility but after doing 15 min of i-phase kinda work (3 pos lateral ankle tilt, knee circrles, lunge hip closed chain circles, lunge thoracics, flexed arms shoulder circles and camshafts, head rotation/tils) i tried some air swings and i think i'm def on the right track there..!

there aren't any tourneys in the near future to train towards but maybe i could do some work specifically for the FMS screens i fail, maybe w/ axis scott?

Friday, November 6, 2009


rhr 2.5wk ago was 54-56bpm (b4 rising)

this morning more like 72bpm b4 rising, 82bpm 120s after rising (orthostatic HR test data)

was intending to practice yesterday but body told me not to... instead i took a nap and felt pretty good at least physically later last night. pretty much took the day off just gentle biking, not really used to M & W (this wk) rather than M & Th practice as per usual, plus i pushed it harder this last W practice.

also good to ease off cuz plannin i-phase next wknd!

did some baby on da back r-phase, hip mobility in lots of diff planes needs work...!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

try in try out

woke up a lil early today, did some vis work cuz i was up..
warmup felt okay but anterior hip (mostly L) was a lil yarr.. was contemplating pre-ibu but decided against but after warmup did 1 pill anyway.. better after that (no hip pain!)
triangle drill, windy
that fence thing, practice bargs

scrimmage, nice jumping D in endzone, good handler dump sets 'cept that one time in our ezone when was 2nd but yea wasn't sideline cut set which i can do, but.. something else. anyway.
almost got a poach D as guarding the sideline handling and creeping into bh lane (touched the disc)
goodish up line throws to ali, also cut up line a bit successfully. aim was a little off for throwing to in-cut schmer.. huh.

zigzag close O/D drill, leg strength good enough to get low and inside plant well (like maclane!)

scrimmage, was ok on D, metabolic conditioning could be better (CRF ok/good?) at times.

70yd x 3 sprints, felt good but after that 40yd and 20yd sprints didn't flow as smoothly (esp with the deceleration/turn/accelerate and etc)
a little sore now, but a lot of that from dinner sitting (mo' butternut squash / wild rice+jasmine+chard! wild salmon)


did ~6mi non-stationary bike intervals yesterday
still lil sore from agility sprints
lots of mobility / SMR work, now a little soft tissue softer work esp on L leg adductor region
was thinking lately of doing more lactate threshold work?

at 54bpm the otherdaylow my CRF feels good but i need more strength, not necessary slow strength but fast or sports-speed strength,
since i haven't been pushing any kind of kbell complex work or really even explosive fast light kbell lifting, just working on mobility and conditioning, but as a result even tho my acceleration is good but top speed isn't what it used to be and just general power is less... i think i'll think about introducing a little work slowly, esp since i am in L hip rehab mode. tryout practice today tho!! didn't hear 'bout til yesterdy eep

Monday, November 2, 2009

agility sprints

practice in beautiful november day! it was like 81F max today yow.

warmup still feeling a little weak in the L hip, perhaps psoas area? did better after an hour and was really warm.

todo practice on I/O low flicks.

got 3 hand blocks on zipper practice!

remember if point & force mid in zone, be more flat up on the sideline

ruggles told me to cut up line and it worked even though defender was there, need to work on going around peeps.

agility sprint practice. my linear fwd acceleration is feeling good.

post-practice SMR on lacrosse ball plantar fascia/aponeurosis (L foot is also tight)
focus on knee mobility circles and arm circles.

A&C 5.4 split-stance hip swivels on airex pad for hip internal rotation (L particularly), can hear it pop heh
5.5 hip airplines
7.1 lying knee-to-knee pull-ins
7.15 prone windshield wipers

hip airplanes def the hardest, but also rly feel split-stance hip swivels on airex

Sunday, November 1, 2009


non-stationary interval biking 'bout 4-5mi to fmr mkt

made butternut squash soup!

8+8 vslide rlunges
8+8 vslide side lunges

borrowed elise's ultifitpro book by mcgill

focusing Z on L hip, knee circles and contralateral arm circles help
also remembering to try rehab hip circles with distract

now where was that nerve glide that LC suggested? hm
also pre-ordered early bird of A&C