Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Throwing practice w/ Cory, Pants & Tank. Warm today!

Not catching 1h well for some reason hmm.

bh feeling good, worked on the anterior 0deg lunge bh that i fumbled last wknd and remembered i don't practice. practiced throwing fh emilyD style, which is to say less hip/core/shoulder rotation and really just getting it from the wrist / elbow. Realized that's easier to throw consistently from multiple angles and harder to read, prob easier to throw and go too?

Jogging / running form. T-stop practice plus hip turns. Feel okay. 5-6 sprints with jog/run intervals, didn't push too hard just get HR up some. Interesting that today R hip/glute was mild complainy. L forearm still healing from snatch/TGU practice, got tptherapy products too, piriformis needs work, R calf not as bad as it was last night.

NWU1 at faster than usual, remember that 4 lumbar circles, bend knees.

valslide anterior lunges (fastish 8rep sets)
valslide lateral lunges don't feel as good, feel mild tightweirdness in adductors, huh; felt better after opposing joint flexed shoulder circles cross body. still need to work on form tho. concentrated on anterior core.

valslide 1hand mobile plank thingies. 5 on each side fwd, 5 on each side lateral (this time try flexing non-mobile elbow push-up style--tis challenging ^_^)

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