Wednesday, November 4, 2009

try in try out

woke up a lil early today, did some vis work cuz i was up..
warmup felt okay but anterior hip (mostly L) was a lil yarr.. was contemplating pre-ibu but decided against but after warmup did 1 pill anyway.. better after that (no hip pain!)
triangle drill, windy
that fence thing, practice bargs

scrimmage, nice jumping D in endzone, good handler dump sets 'cept that one time in our ezone when was 2nd but yea wasn't sideline cut set which i can do, but.. something else. anyway.
almost got a poach D as guarding the sideline handling and creeping into bh lane (touched the disc)
goodish up line throws to ali, also cut up line a bit successfully. aim was a little off for throwing to in-cut schmer.. huh.

zigzag close O/D drill, leg strength good enough to get low and inside plant well (like maclane!)

scrimmage, was ok on D, metabolic conditioning could be better (CRF ok/good?) at times.

70yd x 3 sprints, felt good but after that 40yd and 20yd sprints didn't flow as smoothly (esp with the deceleration/turn/accelerate and etc)
a little sore now, but a lot of that from dinner sitting (mo' butternut squash / wild rice+jasmine+chard! wild salmon)

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