Sunday, July 31, 2011


revolution over the weekend w/ butter.

conditioning good, although not great if I needed to keep running for more than 45 seconds a play?

strength good+, if i was rested i was able to chop-chop and cut/change directions with good force, although i still need to practice that since i didn't always do it.

acceleration ok-good, not quite as good as earlier in the year when I was oly lifting but still decent.

top-speed good.

no drops, no turns, but didn't touch the disc that much. we beat biwinnin & did 7-11 v polar bearrs.

need to not poach in the lane for a few seconds if guarding a cutter that'll go deep since i got burned on that.

otherwise, i was able to get open coming in if on inside lane but not that effective outside lane. need to remember the waterflow drill for continues and set-up cut based on predicted next throw. also deep cut if break side.

got hit in thigh by 208lb or so dude, bleh.

hamstrings were a bit tighty but not that bad. did land on my R shoulder crunch hard boo.

heel wasn't happy warming up but didn't realize notice during play, feels okay after.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Felt energized last night, took 1.5mg Tyrosine & 2000 IU Vit D in afternoon.

Woke up more focused.

Warmup jog around Wilbur. Hammies tight&sore!

Stretch L hip / TFL area.

A few short tempo runs, not feeling awesome. Kinda weak actually compared to last week. #boo

Thursday, July 28, 2011


was thinking about sled today but didn't get up

instead before dinner,

12kg 12 swings

3x10 12kg goblet squats w/ unilateral carry in between


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


15 days, 13 workouts!

was going to sled today but didn't get up; prisonfly ran sprint workouts.

warmup. hip hyperextension work definitely helps me to get more distance on jogging. i wonder if i have asthma? hmm dunno.

anyway, workout was 4 sets of { 100m, 1 min rest, 200m, 1 min rest, 100 m } w/ 3 min rest between sets.

felt okay strong, pretty balanced. definitely my acceleration wasn't great, and my first 30-40m seemed okay but lost it at the end of 80-90m and definitely after 150m not a good sign.

that said my aerobic conditioning was good, i recovered really quickly. just not feeling very strong. that said it has been 15 days, 13 workouts, and yesterday i did a ton of different lifting, and i didn't eat anything today before sprinting (except a 18 rabbit belle bananas foster 210 calorie bar).. plus i was cutting down on my carb intake so i wouldn't put a lot of weight on, but if i'm gonna play this weekend in Davis gotta get that back up!

not really sore after the workout... i mean i haven't been running fast, just 1 or 2 mi, and lots of stationary bike. i did one 100m sprint two weeks ago, none in july. #hmm

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Monday: rest

[have been measuring HRV with legs up recently, so hard to compare?]

3x8 Barbell hip thrust, empty bar+18lb KB -- definitely a lot stronger than last two weeks

TRX squat pry / standing hip drop
TRX chest press 3x10ish, low row 3x12ish
TRX bicep curl, tricep press 3x10ish

TRX sidestep lunge 2x8
TRX crossing lunge, 2x10 -- pretty challenging, works on hip's rotational movement strength

TRX hamstring curl (hips lifted) 3x8 -- not easy
TRX atomic pushup&pike 10+5 reps + planks

Next time will do some offset step work too to make press easier.

30+20 knee tucks

1x8 25lb RFESS, 2x8 10lb RFESS. 25lb might still be too much? Maybe go back to 10lb and go to 3x10

3sets 3+3 30s rest torture twist

Stationary bike 15min 3.5mi

Sunday, July 24, 2011

TRX cert

good day at the TRX cert

feeling good afterwards. work on the hip drop, cross-over lunge, single-leg squat in the future.

feel strong in the upper body too, forearm and bicep.

2x85, 1x85 power clean

3 sets 3+3s, 30s rest torture twist

2.6 plates and small bowl for dinner #yum

Saturday, July 23, 2011

sled light

Warmup jog

Oh last night had a little brief twinge for a 1/4 second so have been a little more careful.

SMR on left glute med area has helped. Oh and mid-back seems to be the new weak point.

Left heel area doesn't feel too bad today (two days after Ulty in cleats).

100yd sled march (calves are a little tight/sore) forward
100yd sled march backward (doesn't get HR as high)

100yd sled march forward
100yd sled march sideways

100yd sled march forward
100yd sled march backward

time 4 BBQ

90+ minutes throwing. work on using shoulder down&back, smoother fh release w/ lower straight throw (less float)

Friday, July 22, 2011

DL 225

knee tucks 2x25

RFESS on bench, goblet 25lb plate 2x8, then goblet 10lb plate 1x8

DL 2x225 (only one eccentric),
jump rope 50 turns

5 minutes

DL 5x185 (only to knee, then drop)

225 DL felt pretty smooth--used hips a lot more than last time. 185 was eh--better than last time (less lower-back) but still not that great.

jump rope 50 turns
put the 185 back.
jump rope 50 turns

torture twist 4sets of 4s+4s plus 30s rest

10min, 2.3mi stationary bike.

oh yea and HRV was surprisingly high today, 70. was that changing straps, or b/c of Ultimate last night?

[last time played was jun18, didn't really change HRV there, but had already been doing lots of cardio that week.]

so haven't DLed 225 since Sep 2008, and after a couple weeks I was DL 225x5+195x5 (best I think).

Thursday, July 21, 2011

prison ultimate

picked up with butter for 10 minutes and then prisonfly v piemo.

conditioning ok-good
strength good-great
sprinting good+

could use work on footwork, i.e. decellerating, then turning to accelerate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

sled back forth

empty bar close-grip Olympic snatches (3), top of shoulder feels tight #hmm -- anterior deltoid?

warmup jog (after eating eggs #umm)

30+35=65lb sled march 110yd
sled drag backwards 100yd

sled march 110yd
sled drag sideways 100yd

Y pull empty sled 20yd

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

run n lift

2x25 wall pushup
2x20 TRX standing pull

3x8 bodyweight RFESS
3x10 empty bar hip thrust

short dynamic warmup
0.5+0.5mi trail run in frees

3x10 10lb back extension
20+10+10 knee tucks

4x75, 3x95 hang (power) clean
try shoulderstand squat, still weird on L glute
L glute SMR / stretch
4+3+4 torture twist (better if i engage glute and rotate from t-spine)

25min / 6.2mi stationary bike

felt better today after breakfast burrito noon+ #hmm

Sunday, July 17, 2011

recover pls

HRV was down but an hour later back up

light day
foam roll, lateral thighs tight

2x10 10lb plate back extension
2x20 knee tucks

2x3+3 torture twists but stopped due to pain in L upper glute? glute medius type area. been there for a while..

10min 2.3mi stationary bike

need to do more SMR in L glute medius area? need strengthening of adductor? hmm
also might need to rotate pelvis a bit counterclock

Saturday, July 16, 2011

drag it

wake up
warmup (dynamics / jog)

[felt more core/torso strength for anti-rotation, more balanced today during warmup jog. stronger hips tho a little sore.]

100lb (45+25+~30sled) sled march/drag 2x100yd

~10minutes thereback, maxHR=170bpm


75lb sled march/drag 2x100yd

avg 133bpm

stretch glutes, butterfly.

thoughts: i'm not really using my arms during the sled pull. it's definitely more of a drag than a march.

so it's sled drag, sled march (high knees, more balls of feet, arm motion), sled pull (between march and sprint), and sled run/sprint?

i've been doing it more for conditioning and strengthening (more A than B?), maybe i should go back to 75 and do more march this week? hmm

3+3mi non-stationary bike to cvl

Friday, July 15, 2011


morning 1x8 bodyweight RFESS

afternoon 2x8 bodyweight RFESS

wall pushup 2x15
TRX standing pull 3x10

full-plank A-Z valslide
half-plank A-Z valslide
[need more plank work]
3x10 shoulder-elevated BB hip thrust (where did my other 25lb plate go?)

25lb 3x10 elevated calf raise
40lb 3x10 anterior tib/shin raise
3x10 knee tuck
3x10 back extensions

first time doing torture twists 3x{3s+3s} 30s rest
shoulderstand squats 1x10 -- not great in L glute-med

10+10 side planks
ipsilateral quadruped (easy on left side down, hard to stabilize on right side)

6-7 min rope work (some breaks), some double-unders, single leg work
stretch glute -- need to do more left side stretching

15min, 3.5mi stationary bike

HRV emwave post-exercise level 1 one bar practice

Thursday, July 14, 2011


HRV seemed down but when relaxed shoulders went up to 50s, hmm.

slept slightly better last night.

switched e to morning.

have been practicing HRV meditation more often, although might wake me up too much at night right before bedtime.

got to 3 bars on level 3 earlier this week, although today level 2 was harder.

4 sets ~100yd sled+45lb pull. felt easier today due to grass not as dry?

at night, got to 5 bars on level 3, but not making progress on level 4. turns out level 4 is the hardest. who knew?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


HRV has been lower for last two days, not sure why... maybe b/c bad sleep/eat patterns over weekend? got more rest today and was better for some reason.

warmup jump rope 4-5 min

foam roll, tighter on R side TFL

2x10 knee tucks
3x8 bodyweight back extension

25lb 3x8 calf raise

2x205 DL, 5 min rest (a little jump rope), 5x155, a little jump rope.

then some fast rope work. L medial above heel a bit weird when landing single-foot... huh.

about 6-7 min rope work.

15min, 3.5mi stationary bike

Monday, July 11, 2011

tempo run, run

Sunday July 10

tempo run 2x across wilbur
sprint 1x across wilbur -- pretty fast feeling

Monday July 11

0.25+0.5+0.25=1.0mi run

6min, 1km row

15min, 2.3 stationary bike (Life Fitness)

left glute a little little sore

my HRV dropped tons today, got up super later 1p tho..

Friday, July 8, 2011


3x8 empty bar shoulder-elevated hip lifts (~30s rest)

2x8 RFESS bodyweight

was going to do 5x95lb front squats, but decided to wait on that--already introduced DL & sled pulling this week. should probably work on leg strength asymmetries.

introduce tempo runs in a few weeks, 100m @ 75% or so w/ jog back.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

sled pull

dry grass today

sled+45lb pull: 4+3+2+1 lamp posts, 2x115m total. approx 90, 70, 45, 20m each.

2x12 wall pushup


2x12 wall pushup
12 FTW squats

2x8 12kg swings
2x12 TRX standing pulls

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


3x6 empty bar shoulder-elevated hip lift (at home)

3x10 35lb shin raise
2x10 knee tuck

3x8 25lb DB calf raise

2x185, 5x135 DL

20min, 5mi stationary bike

Sunday, July 3, 2011

sled push

HRV was 69 this morning (didn't sleep last night), a reading error? the animation may have stopped at end. 60-62 afterwards, but whatever case, much higher than recent history.

have been working on keeping neutral spine! robertson training system talked about this... i might have been arching too much = lumbar hyperextension (!), as julie PT pointed out could overstress lower-back. feels great now.

today, reading on sleds again.

6x20yd 30+0lb sled dawg elite pushes on wilbur (pull too jerky/easy at marching speed)

gym closed til 10am! was 7am.

foot SMR, foam roll.
10 shoulderstand squat
empty bar snatch close-grip (meh)
2+2 16kg KB clean
3, 8 reps 16kg KB swing (not bad with neutral spine?)

2x12 wall pushup
2x15 TRX vertical row

5 reps shoulder-elevated hip lift (a la contreras)

[read contreras's glute book]

gym workout:

foam roll, shoulderstand squats
3x8 calf raise, 30lb DB 3x10 shin raise
3x95, 3x115, 3x135 deadlift

1x8 TRX vertical row
1x8 reps atomic pushup + TRX pike, 1x6 plank + pikes
squat mobility work

20min 4.5mi stationary bike

Friday, July 1, 2011


HRV went back up 11pts today to 54, higher than it's been since I got sick last Wed or so. Even given that I didn't sleep last (Thu) night.

Went to the gym this morning early,
foam roll (glute knots again, R TFL),
10 shoulderstand squats, much better than this past week
lil ball A-Z incline plank on box for rehab

[have insurance! need to sched PT]

low box 2x8 step-up heel focus
2x8+8 calf raise
starting lower back hypertrophy work: back/hyperextensions on hyperextension bench, 2x5 reps

2x10 20lb DB shin raise
8 knee tucks

21 min, 5.1mi stationary bike.

morning 1/2 bowl oatmeal w/ soy + whey protein, cinammon
now some eggs (wu-lett?)