Sunday, July 3, 2011

sled push

HRV was 69 this morning (didn't sleep last night), a reading error? the animation may have stopped at end. 60-62 afterwards, but whatever case, much higher than recent history.

have been working on keeping neutral spine! robertson training system talked about this... i might have been arching too much = lumbar hyperextension (!), as julie PT pointed out could overstress lower-back. feels great now.

today, reading on sleds again.

6x20yd 30+0lb sled dawg elite pushes on wilbur (pull too jerky/easy at marching speed)

gym closed til 10am! was 7am.

foot SMR, foam roll.
10 shoulderstand squat
empty bar snatch close-grip (meh)
2+2 16kg KB clean
3, 8 reps 16kg KB swing (not bad with neutral spine?)

2x12 wall pushup
2x15 TRX vertical row

5 reps shoulder-elevated hip lift (a la contreras)

[read contreras's glute book]

gym workout:

foam roll, shoulderstand squats
3x8 calf raise, 30lb DB 3x10 shin raise
3x95, 3x115, 3x135 deadlift

1x8 TRX vertical row
1x8 reps atomic pushup + TRX pike, 1x6 plank + pikes
squat mobility work

20min 4.5mi stationary bike

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