Monday, November 2, 2009

agility sprints

practice in beautiful november day! it was like 81F max today yow.

warmup still feeling a little weak in the L hip, perhaps psoas area? did better after an hour and was really warm.

todo practice on I/O low flicks.

got 3 hand blocks on zipper practice!

remember if point & force mid in zone, be more flat up on the sideline

ruggles told me to cut up line and it worked even though defender was there, need to work on going around peeps.

agility sprint practice. my linear fwd acceleration is feeling good.

post-practice SMR on lacrosse ball plantar fascia/aponeurosis (L foot is also tight)
focus on knee mobility circles and arm circles.

A&C 5.4 split-stance hip swivels on airex pad for hip internal rotation (L particularly), can hear it pop heh
5.5 hip airplines
7.1 lying knee-to-knee pull-ins
7.15 prone windshield wipers

hip airplanes def the hardest, but also rly feel split-stance hip swivels on airex

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