Saturday, January 16, 2010

p time

new team name: pterrafly or is it pterrifly?

rest yesterday,
today active recovery at practice, take it pretty easy. should focus on going for dish by cutting halfway between vertical and directly to player, abouts, but wasn't sprinting much... doing more ROM testing to see which dynamics i liked (left skip skip stretch) and didn't (shuffle). back seems okay, just hesitant about ankle, esp cuz have KB/Z workshop tomorrow!

practiced pulling from fh position in split squat (lunge) position, realized i should probably be loading my hamstrings there and a little more anterior tilt than usually, need to practice that. also practiced throwing fh pull from momentum step but perhaps nail the non-momentum first.

did S&C for 10-12 minutes! about 11 girls, did goblet squats with 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 10 / 18 lb, then alternating front planks with disc hits to stay tight, then like 4 minutes of alternating 5 or 6 swings with running. plank form was relatively good compared to swing form, which was still way too much swing squat... hmm, will have to figure out how to address that before i try teaching swings in a group. tried the hike pull, maybe they need to hit something behind them?

(update: since took easy recovery practice, thought also about experimenting with dump D, pay attention to how mark is set up and give the off handler a big buffer, the closer you are to handler the harder it is to dump unless they go upline or ho cut across, but if trapped it seems like it's pretty hard if you are close to handler since you can also pop up upline...

went to gym, selected mobility, mainly knees, thoracic, one shoulder, opp shoulder camshafts... doing more RT NS ROM biofeedback these days! even w/ Z drill selection. amazing how quickly i can get balanced. finger extension waves are also good.

reverse lunge w/ thoracic twist, one side. 35s flexed arm hang! then 30s later. 20.4kg Oly plate get-ups, 1+1 for 2 sets awhiles apart. stretching. leg swinging for dynamics. no spiderman today. 22s/22s later for flexed arm hang. watching the vids helped a lot w/ form. L shoulder feeling a lot stronger. R ankle feeling okay but rested a little anyway at practice cuz KB workshop tmrw. some goblet squats, tried overhead squat with empty bar, but didn't feel great so put it down after quarter squat. empty hand OHS is almost passable but not there yet. ASLR seems symmetric, decent, dunno how high but okayish right now even after practice/refresher workout)

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