Tuesday, January 12, 2010

no sleep

it's 316a and i cannae sleep. patterns have been disturbed for a few days now, ever since i practiced 20kg snatches and get-ups late that wednesday night (just got the bell in the mail)... then thursday i stayed in bed til late morning, had practice, then lower-back nociception fri morn so delayed get-up til early afternoon... then drive-out to SB, didn't really sleep in the hotel on fri night, sat night slept some and sunday night more (?) but still was slightly disturbed due to cow milk protein intake too? ice cream sunday night unexpectedly... and now maybe some overstim from practice (2 doggies for sprints to end the practice) and some mild poor-quality cheese intake for dinner (WD today) at the co-op...

that said i'm moving well and was able to do decent sprints at the end of practice, plus with the core anti-rotation activation, my pulls were feeling great, almost 80yd, but high and arc-y with really good power... practiced the dish and in the scrimmage went 3-0 and then did a double-dish for the last play =) -- go sticky!

tonight after practice (which was warmup done slowly in VFFs, go-to, dish, buffer practice, scrimmage, sprints), and baking, did a little foam roll, a little valslide (NS biofeedback tested really well for valslide lunges posterior), some stick work, lateral openers tested really well NSB-wise too. watching dan john as well, eye training w/o glasses now too..

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