Saturday, March 13, 2010

glute medius

some glute medius thoughts.

FMS ASLR pain fail but L ROM 10-15 whereas R ASLR ROM more like 30-35.
< pain w/ pelvic anterior tilt (retrovert) in supine position..

have to remember, antevert [posterior tilt] whilst sitting, retrovert [anterior tilt] whilst standing/supine.
also Gokhale rib anchor, whether sit / stand / supine

SLR / neurodynamic slump test: adding ankle dorsiflexion and inversion adds neural tension (also note mild dural tension, circa soleus soft tissue..), cervical flexion adds a little neural tension, not as much as ankle DF/IN.

notable lack of neural sliding around L5/S1/PSIS.. [don't forget to stacksit?]

if some glute medius tendinopathy / sciatic neuritis on one side, then interesting that reverse valslide lunge and sciatic-etc nerve glide both help. also notable asymmetry in lunging R vs L.. glute medius can act as hip abductor [NOTE: note TFL dominance over glute medius in S-phase side flow!]




glute medius: note SL squat and side-lying hip abduction. advice based on analogizing to achilles tendinopathy is to eccentric load glute medius (!).

glute medius often considered a hip abductor but also actually acts to stop pelvis from dropping during gait (also see, and presumably during a split squat type lunge... hmm so during R stance phase, the opp (P?)GM fires to maintain pelvis, which means that i'm overloading/overusing the L glute medius due to repetitive unilateral lunging...

also, probably loaded during gait / running / landing? which means that overused L GM is compensating for a weak R GM?

possible exercises:

- quadruped hip extension w/ external hip rotation
- stepdowns >> SLS according to ACE study
- X band walk [how to focus on eccentric?] (< -- ACE study link)

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