Thursday, October 1, 2009

damn it feels good

huh, practice felt great today, dunno why. i didn't actually sleep any last night after midnight, though i did get naps in yesterday afternoon cuz I was afraid I was getting sick. felt better tho today!

had salad/raspberries/mushrooms/colavita for bfast, no time for eggs so just had 3 slices of hemp bread and organic peanut butter, awesome, and then lab lunch was pizza of poor quality boo but i had a slice anyway and munched on a dozen golden flax crackers which was like 50% of my USDA protein and 1/3 of my protein for the day.

had spirutein (sp?) protein last night and also brown rice protein yesterday? sayo whey/etc cow milk proteins! hello rice pea soy protein wit hemp / almond milk less sweetened.

had CA stuff to do so got to practice late, did my own warmup, jog around twice in socks, shuffles / karaoke / bkwd lunge / fwd lunge wit twist+extension, hops sagittal plane, Z R-phase ankle hip thoracic scapular cervical, a little I-phase in there, this time L mid back feeling a bit funky! last time was R mid back (worse tho then, this was just weak/weirdness)

practice arm drive after tee stop on warmup. practice throwing a bit. play a few points, feeling consistent, 3v3 good, huck drill, had a nice experience coaching Fannie to brace core pulse style to fix her out-of-practice bh huck which started looking nice/added like 20 yds & stability.

stretches, that weird stretch with like half lotus in SL squat got better at that, then throwing practice for a bit after wit Fannie / KStan / RKelly. fh low feels good, interesting i've been using opp hand up to stabilize lately, i didn't use to do that but it seems easier to stabilize altho slightly more energy. i think it's a good thing tho? i mean i guess the elbow out at least is prob better than strict dino limb. well it feels good like this, don't think i used to throw like this?

hammer medium dist feels okay but could use a little more flick. conditioning feels good, tues biking prob help plus all that ice / heat / Z / protein / recovery / rest =)

away in Canada next wk!! so no practice 4 me boo, will do other stuffs instead i guess.

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