Wednesday, September 30, 2009


7mi non-stationary bike
heel ok
5+5 8kg MP -- form is feeling cleaner even though groove not quite as greased on L side. focusing on opening up & bone rhythm i think helps

more tired/sore than expect'd. hopefully not exposed to too much L1W1?! ^_^

odd, L leg hip flexion weirdness, esp in L R-phase anterior hip circles (no rehab pos). L lateral and posterior hip circles no prob, R same, R anterior hip circle feels a little tight in hamm but noticable L side asymmetry with straight-leg raise (even standing)... also R shoulder ROM limited today whereas L shoulder no problem (I guess the ankle is okay R side). R shoulder circle mild non-smoothness during close to cross-body front shoulder circles.


wed after office hours
10min heat pack R heel & L glute max superior fibers + HRV meditation
R-phase focus on shoulders and hips. anterior L hip circles feeling better. after palpating L&R glute max upper fibers, i think issue might be that during hip flexion (esp straight-leg hip flexion), my L glute max upper fibers were firing maybe due to previous glute med and/or adductor sensorimotor amnesia? not the same w/ R glute max upper fiber tho.

after palpating and focus on not recruiting those, felt better..

a little foam roll. R calves esp medial side a bit tight, quads both sides tight, L TFL/ITB a lil more so hm. weird fiber disconnect feeling around glute max/med L side tho, have had that for a while. could be that during swings or other hard hip flexion straight leg, was recruiting glute max superior fibers too much (like kb downswing overspeed?), and maybe could use anterior / lateral core esp oblique more?

anyway 5+3 birddogs, a few practice planks
glute stretch
hip flexor stretch
ice L glute max superior

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