Friday, September 11, 2009

eso es!

much much better workout tonight that crappy one last night. last night i hadn't eaten much before the workout, like 72h before. this time, i had cuban rice and black beans with skirt steak and avocado salad with polenta side from polemo (sp?) the night before with amino acid and b12 tabs, some chia seeds before bed, then 4egg certified humane organic egg omelette w heirloom tomato from a friend & kalamata w/ napa brine then tri-protein energy snack later (rice pea soy), garbanzo bean soup w/ local salad and baguette slices, chia fresca n fresh oregon blueberries & local raspberries organic w/ almond snack.

did z mobility brief warmup, spidey crawl, reverse lunge, jump rope sim.

then chinese wall squats feeling much better, less stretch in the lower back more in midback, getting closer to the wall and then after a few sets like 4-6? inches from wall with rock bottom squat.

focus on SL ipsilateral deadlift 8kg practice, try to keep shin vertical!! and push back with hips... gotta practice that, like the good morning stretch but unilateral. push back from the heel through the hamm with shin vertical not bent knee, hip hinge, then at bottom fist with other hand, engage ipsilateral lat and shoulder into mild external rotation, keep glutes firing, shin vertical for less instability, all the way up and then open with hips.

then SL contralateral deadlift 8kg KB practice, also same tips but here focus on obliques at KB touch, as if side bridge, and breathe on the way down... got a lot better! but mild instability L side, but getting there.

goblet squat practice, swing to horn grab, rest elbows on medial patella region, push push drop.

hand walk to pump, pump look left right, TFL for hip open, pump, spidey stretch, pump, spidey to hip flexor stretch, opp foot creeps forward, then finally opp arm reaches above elbow straighter for stretch, and we're done hand walk back up to bent knee!

thanks marty =)

now for some more stretching, plantar fascia stretch in particular!!

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