Saturday, August 1, 2009


Relax today. Just do Z training plan, GTG hip circles.

L wrist seems a-ok, R mid-back soreness mostly gone, went barefoot/VFF today again woo! Also feeling good from gettin some aerobic & a lil anaerobic play last night even if my head/heart wuz somewhere else.

Practiced a few 12kg dead cleans, BUCs. L hand 12kg BUC not dialed in today, though 12kg SLDL practice was pretty good!

I'm always tempted to do swing work but I know I have plenty of concentric strength and still am working on L/R mobility/stability symmetries around shoulder/midback/hip. Plus it's really the eccentric force absorption that kicks my butt.

I guess I'll obvi continue the Z plan, GTG R-phase hip circles, play tomorrow, go back down to 8kg continuous get-ups to dial in that form again (esp the punch+crunch & shoulder stability on transitions!), and gently re-introduce PVC rope work.

I wonder what my Pistols look like now that I've done some more targeted mobility / joint work? I guess that's not a prio but I somehow want to incorporate eccentric loading (and maybe increase my MVC calf limit or somethin?). Maybe increasing difficulty from just eccentric calf raises which I work on here and there to more S-phase type work? Def need to master naked eccentrics before weighted!

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