Sunday, August 23, 2009

rest (of the summer)

Today, rest. ^_^

A month to go before school starts!

I like to look back once in a while and see how things have been goin'. This summer I've focused mostly on mobility, and my ankle mobility has gotten soo much better, which has translated into better linear / circular / cutting movement on the field, and I finally woke up my abductors. My squat pattern has gotten a lot more consistent and on a good day I can get close to passing the FMS front squat screen (overhead squat).

My hip mobility has continued to improve, my calf max contraction has been upped, and my new weakest links have moved from my lumbar to the sides of my mid-back and hips. My single leg squat is starting to look better than it has since last summer, and I guess the big picture is that I've de-emphasized heavy "slow" strength for mobility and stability first (esp ankle / hip / shoulder).

That said, I guess my my goals for the next few weeks are to improve strength-endurance of areas adjacent/opposite to my current weakest links, so perhaps focus on adductors / lats / anterior core?

Still have to read McGill's Ultimate Back Fitness, have been working mostly from LB Disorders, but I think my posterior chain strength and mobility are getting good enough so that I'm pushing myself to new limits, but my hip/oblique strength-endurance isn't quite there methinks.

Soo (1) single leg squats / deadlifts higher rep for strength-endurance / ligaments (2) clean&press 8kg (3) ball roll-outs

Also think about who my S&C&movement coaches are! ^_^

1 comment:

resrie said...

I was trying to figure out why my hips were tight and the first thought was the lack of anterior core strength-endurance but maybe the simpler answer is just that after mildly bruising my heel 2.5wk ago I wasn't able to run or do any eccentric loading of the body as a chain... so when I did start running at last Thurs's game I was okay until I started pushing my top speed on D and then had to decelerate from high speed near the sideline... that's when I re-bothered my heel (though it's not too bad now, don't really notice), and probably loaded 8-10x bodyweight eccentric for the t-stop.

In any case I'll need to do some soft tissue work and let the heel / hip recover for a bit but in a few weeks also remember to do rotational arm drive and eccentric bodyweight stuff.