Friday, September 9, 2011


interesting, went to bed around midnight, woke up around 530a and HRV was 59.1 / HR 58.1 (10pt drop from day before). then went back to bed, slept a little, then right before noon HRV was 74.9, HR 54.5.

1.2mi trail run continuous -- decent speed at start, really good strength endurance, CRF okay-good

foam roll:
R soleus less tight, R quad moderate tight, L piriformis needs most work?

3x6 bent knee calf raise / drop

5x5 65lb power clean + front squat practice, work on pulling under the bar. moderate long rest between some reps

2x225+3+195 deadlift -- not that pretty
falling sprint (1 rep + 2 rep) afterwards, 5 min rest

5x5 2x45lb plate swing (goes a bit outward)
5x{5+5} 45lb plate swing

70+70lb 2 set DB farmer's walk

20min 5mi stationary bike

20kg KB:
2h 10rep + 1h 5+5rep + 2h 5rep for a total 100 swings today

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