Wednesday, December 9, 2009

lumbar arr

arrrr, got up was feelin' good then played around with lumbar situps just to see what that'd be like. took me out for 1/2 a day, not pain wise but just made me really sleepy.. unless that was somethin' else, but still lumbar not happy, was experimenting tho.

anyway, have been practicing SL stance (on airex pad) with other leg touching toe to ground and holding on to reduce threat, L piriformis seems to like that.

pencil pushup, red bead.

saccade chart 2, 76 lpm.

(at s-phase-- 82; 88lpm near-far charts. 88; 88lpb saccade chart 1, vergence test left eye a lil slow esp w/ green, 8x / 8x sequencing test. coordination charts, 131 lpb on chart 1, 135 on chart 2, 55 on chart 3. chart 3 work improved gait / R shoulder ROM.)

coord chart 3, 80 lpb.

ankle tilts + I-phase rolling toe pulls. knee circles. supine lumbar mobility (not like da morning). supine hip circles not that smooth but not too chunky. pelvic tilts / circles -- high degree of awareness rel. to b4 s-phase! ant 45 lunge thoracics / ball of foot circles.

R-phase shoulder circles-- left shoulder in ext & R shoulder in x-body flexion seem to be most limited. L shoulder camshafts straight arm somewhat chunky.. c-spine mobility felt rly good this morn. plantar fascia smr lacrosse ball.

funny, R piriformis actin' up more than L for once?

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