Monday, June 20, 2011

blue run step

Mon 20 Jun

Got blue superfeet from REI--my left foot still a bit unhappy from Sat Ultimate, which reminds me I should SMR & ice.

today breakfast: ancient grain O's w/ raspberries, lunch apples + pizza, dinner garlic jasmine rice with wild alaskan salmon and roasted veggies (frozen from Trader Joes).

after work, around 640p:
1mi run in frees, 1/2mi warmup, 1/4mi had some legs (faster), then finish.

2x25 shoulderstand squats, not too bad

moved from lower platform to higher platform (but not highest).
4x6 heel-focus step-ups, need to learn how to stabilize in blue orthos (superfeet)

3x10 calf raise
2x10 knee tucks
3x10 DB 30lb shin raise

45+45 farmer's walk (felt meh, maybe take a break from this for a while) -- in general more able to easily stabilize around R shoulder

20min, 5.4mi stationary bike

tomorrow, more trail running (or track?), less strengthwork. wed PT

Tue 21 Jun

bike to track

run 2mi,
start out fast then avg avg slow slow fast. feels pretty good, L achilles left not too noticeable after 1.2mi or so, lower back still not feeling that stable somehow? maybe the muscles aren't that strong-endurance wise just yet

2x6 knee tucks

20min, 5.5mi stationary bike

heritage O's, LKSC rice beef tofu lentils, dinner miso kale rice but then patxi's 3.5+1 slices

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