Monday, October 24, 2011

armor building, practice

started windmilling yesterday and have been loading creatine again the last few days. also back on ZMA & fish oil.

catches were a bit off... but breaks are looking good and I faked off a girl (woot) with the disc.

pulls were feeling a bit better than they were on thursday, and esp. in second scrimmage my forehand IO breaks (and a long huck) were on fire, nice float (okay a little high for competition, but okay for more rookie players) and very good placement.

actually flicks were feeling the best they've felt in any scrimmage for a long long time. perhaps it's the combination of physical therapy, resting from Olympic snatches, trifecta (twists), windmills, doing PT hypertrophy cable work outside of PT, more consistent TGU practice, and fish oils that's adding up. nice.

also had some more up-the-line cuts and a few dishes. pivoting feels a lot stronger. sprints feel a bit stronger, although my CRF was the limiting factor (?), definitely my adductors less a limiting point. a little fatigue but not too much so. was DLing yesterday too much?

overall not quite as strong as first and second practice but up there with conditioning good, strength good. throws in scrimmage really good. definitely throwing & going almost all the time.

[also tried EAS push, sucrose / beta-alanine / creatine / taurine]

after practice:
armor building.

65lb { 8x hang clean + 8x front squat + 8x deadlift } (easy)
75lb { 8x hang clean + 8x front squat + 8x deadlift } (medium, HR up quite a bit)
75lb { 8x hang clean + 8x front squat + 8x deadlift } (medium-hard, those front squats!)


windmills -- supes tight on L adductor side
5x 1/2 TGU 8kg R-side (static press L-side)

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