Wednesday, August 24, 2011

HRV 75

HRV was 75 this morning, highest ever!

Previously two days of swinging 100-120 reps 16kg. HR dropped to 49 on the exhale which was cool.

foam roll, calves not too tight. still lat quads / TFL area.

3x30 knee tucks (PR again, working up to CC progression standard 3x40)
4x5 20lb bat wings

practice FTW squats, 45lb goblet squats. not feeling the BB front squat.

3x185 DL + sprint -- work again on pulling DL from hammies
5min rest

5x185 DL + sprint
5min rest

2x205 DL + sprint x2 -- this time felt quicker acceleration, worked on using quads to start

power clean
2x65, 3x85, 3x95, 2x105 -- notice I have a better hinge / hamstring extensibility

practice a few vertical jumps, good vert but R shoulder not liking to go overhead that much
a few squat jumps

3x{4s+4s} 30s rest torture twist, actually more like 5s first set then 3s last two sets (was trying to breathe through shield more)

3x5 w/ balance ball

5min / 1km erg/row
two 90s hard row w/ 1 min rest in between

10min / 2.4mi stationary bike

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