Wednesday, February 24, 2010



practice, jog a bit, handle/throw a bit. throws feel pretty good.


handler practice, jog a bit. need to work on not rounding corners..

practiced how2throw like a pro style throwing, less wrist, more shoulder. seems to work huh!


a few 20.4kg plate get-ups, some 20.4kg plate MPs,

beginner complex (thx coach dos)
12kg: 8swing (2h), 8 goblet squat, 8 push-press (8 on each side)

advanced complex
dbl 12kg: 6 high-pull, 6 clean&push-press, 6 snatch, 6 front-squat

front-squat was only like quarter depth... tired! refilmed later with better movement.

also a few minutes of jump rope practice.

feeling okay. sun/monday did not sleep, also tue/wed did not sleep. hm.

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