Wednesday, May 20, 2009


physical practice is goin' okay although not a high prio- these days with deadlines and quals coming up...

that said, it's been great to do SMR on the hips/calves with my new tiger tail stick. got it @ zombie runner and it's been nice to hit the points that have been missed by foam rolling (which mainly hits the larger muscle groups more easily like quads, lats) and lacrosse ball (glute meds and tissue adjacent to spine for me), mainly the tissues around the iliac crest, knees, calves, and the curvier bits around the shoulder/arms complex that are tough to hit with a roller or ball. i guess i like how it's a nice middle ground between knuckle-based release (focused and intense) and roller-based techniques (broad brush).

it's been a few weeks since regionals and my left shoulder is still a little pookie or whatev, i blame it on the one ugly layout D i had (versus the one or two? decent layout Ds) where i landed left side first. actually it's not really the shoulder that seems to be the root, as manual therapy suggests my L & R anterior shoulderbits are similarly tight, but it seems to really be the bits around my L sternocleidomastoids that seem to be most upset. i guess it'll just take a bit of time to heal that up.

hip cook lifts are goin' okay, my adductors are making mild progress but it'll take time cuz they've been week for heckalong time.

i got new sneaks--nike free 3.0s! been running in them pretty regularly, mostly interval work on grass but a little continuous work with mah runner friends. i guess it makes me realize that i do like running on grass, running intervals (ze intensity), and mixing it up with parkour practice. & some combo of the more barefooty sneaks, tiger tailin' and just less overall training volume iz makin my lower leg soft tissues a lot less distressed.

i was doing some pull-up GTG work and was tempted to pull heavy again but just realized that i should wait until my doc checks out my left wrist ligament to make sure it's not torn.

but yeh overall training is pretty light and overall balance is pretty good. squat pattern could be smoother and wish i could practice more upper body parkour work etc. but the summer will come soon enough?

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