Tuesday, December 6, 2011

light, clean

foam roll, R TFL tightest

trifecta: chair bent leg, straight bridge hold, twist

warmup, hip flexor on box
3x8 hang clean: 65, 85, 95.
lower R back a lil meh and R ankle a lil eh but not too bad.

5-3-2 DL, snatch-style (but close grip)
135x5, 185x3, 205x2

3x20 flat bent knee raise

16min, 4.1mi stationary bike

oops forgot to do calves
3x25 calf raises on stairs

before dinner:
3+3 8kg 1/2 TGU to high post
1+1 16kg 1/2 TGU

0.5+0.5 building 50lb sandbag carry

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