Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Z warmup (heel getting there)
L arm ROM seems to be getting better? The other day was slightly more ROM than right side!
Eccentric calf raises
10 min jump rope, getting more comfy with the rope, doesn't seem as heavy & no noticeable strain in anterior shoulder
Spidey crawls
Backward lunges / compass lunge focus on pull & bone rhythm

OHS practice with bamboo / bars -- feels really good today!!

Practice a few 60 lb, 40 lb unilateral suitcase deadlifts
1/3 SL squat practice, feeling more stable-- knee not drifting too much but L side slightly less endurance
naked/isometric chop&lift practice (kneeling on L knee)
Birddogs 5+5
Curl-ups 5,3,1
Stretch glutes, ASLR / hamm + good morning stretch

Afterwards mild sore in R mid back & R posterior near glute med inferior to iliac crest

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