Wednesday, May 30, 2012

sick; 12kg

yesterday: mega-sick, achey. 3 days too hard... :( sore throat

today a little better: 100x 12kg swing in 10-15reps before dinner

Monday, May 28, 2012

gym sled

yesterday (sun):
empty bar fat gripz x5 bench, reverse hang
TRX 3x8 pull
10 atomic pushup + plank

120 KB moves: 30 2h 16kg swing, 30 snatches (5+5 one hand), 5+5 right hand snatches (left shoulder slightly peeved), more swings.

today (mon)
sled pull
100lb wilbur fwd+back
75lb wilbur fwd+back
55lb wilbur fwd+back
reading Kahneman's Thinking Fast & Slow

Saturday, May 26, 2012

bp fsq dl

foam roll
warmup x5 empty bar bp no fat gripz
65x5, 85x5, 95x3 pr, 85x5

front squat warmup

hang clean

bench rfess 65x5+5
lunge empty bar 5+5
deadlift 185x3 warmup
225x2, 2x10yd sprint (left knee still a little unhappy)

now 50rep 20kg swings (5x10)

Friday, May 25, 2012


lighter week:
sat, tedxstanford carry 20lb dough
sun, bay2breaker 2-3mi run/walk barefoot, then 1-2mi minimus walk, 2h mischief tryout (horrible throws / decisions, too much bebe?)

this week:
100x 16kg swing (tue?)
throwing, 3 deep cuts & 50+50yd sprint (wed?)
throwing, 60x 16kg swing (thu)

Friday, May 18, 2012

115lb sled

100lb sled, well actually maybe more like 110-115 lb today b/c used 45lb plate And 16kg KB. warmup, pull with just 45lb plate. then pull around wilbur with 45lb + 16kg KB, reading email.

a little running today, no c team.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ankle strong

phase 3 alactic wk 1

6x {
40yd dead start sprint (focus on moving weight forward before first step)
150s rest }

throwing practice w connie, fix some of her angle issues

10x10=100 16kg KB 2h swings, first 50 easy last 50 hard-style.

sprinting after that felt pretty great, ankles are strong?! landing on forefoot with nice stretch-reflex cycle

Monday, May 14, 2012


took 3 days off! first time in like 3 months. slept mega lots on saturday (Z score 126) then lots on sunday (103), not so much last night (55). think i'm rested now.

fat gripz
emptybar warmup
60x5, 70x5, 80x8 [pr]

3x5 TRX chest pull
2x10 atomic pushup+plank (stronger than usual)

30+30 fat gripz DB carry

3min + (7.25min/2mi) stationary bike

Thursday, May 10, 2012

loaded carry

mostly a rest day
but 20lb loaded carry (dough) across campus
still tired, less sick tho i think.

48 days working out, 8 days rest.

48 / 56. 8 weeks. 6 days/week for two months!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

bp faster

bp focus on faster concentric
5x empty bar
5x 65, 3x 75, 5x85 fat gripz

pulll-up 2x15s bar hang
3x10 25+25 leg press hypertrophy
25+25 fat gripz DB farmer's walk

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

flicks and hucks and pulls

1x 55+55yd sprint--didn't feel great (L knee, ankle/achilles)

10x 55+55yd sled (most pull, but two 2x25 sprints, a little backward)

flick/forehand practice
average about 47-50yd (2 lampposts on wilbur), sometimes 55yd.

backhands average about 55yd, with max around 60yd

pulls average about 60-65yd, max around 72-73yd

Monday, May 7, 2012

bp fg

forgot to foam roll
banged knee on bed last night (d'oh, bodyweight on it)

bench press wk 2 w/ fat gripz (cycle 3, 1rm 100)
empty bar warm-up
60x3, 70x3, 80x6 [pr]

hammies TRX leg curl 3x5
TRX chest pull 3x5
2x5 atomic pushup+plank

about 8 days in a row now, have i been 6dy/week recently for the last month? haven't checked exactly. what next?

[insert throwing workout]

tue: alactic [6rep 50yd+120s rest], 6min rest, [10 sec mtn climber to 15yd sprint]
wed: leg hypertrophy, stationary bike
thu: 30min run
fri: scrimmage
sat: work day
sun: FH tryout

Sunday, May 6, 2012


somewhat tired from sled pulls yesterday, not beat up just tired, so maybe not a great idea to do that much ^_^

backhand upwind pretty good

need to learn more different levels of release for fh break (but did get some hand-blocks on breakdrill)

in scrimmage, had a decent deep look, a medium-length to carnie and a short on the line to carnie. also cut from back of endzone for a score, had some I/O breaks to midfield. went for a dish but slowed down, i guess not used to guys who have more dish options.

strength good-very good, not quite as conditioned as last time, but overall better play?

Saturday, May 5, 2012


10 sets sled pull

4 rep 20+20yd [forward heavy, forward light, backward, sprint]

6 rep 40+40yd [forward + 18, forward + 45, fwd + backward, forward + 45+18, forward + 45]

Thursday, May 3, 2012

10 laps

foam roll: lower quads still tight
30min track
mostly slow jog, some run, hard run, a few sprints at end
10laps + 80m or so

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

fh hucks

foam roll: pretty tight glute med, even tigher quad (lower)
single-leg (king) deadlift light: empty bar, 65lb
unload week conventional deadlift 5x135

bench press 5x55, 5x65, 5x75 fat gripz
fat gripz hang for forearm work

empty bar back squat-position 45deg step-out practice
front-foot bench elevated split squats BW practice
3x8 45+45 leg press hypertrophy work, need to work on end range
3x10 calf raise

afternoon throwing
close work: throw & go, try the jimmy/jamie thing of the lean, which makes it easier to go but also adds O/I. need more I/O to compensate for bent torso.
still dropping more easy throws than i'd like..

long throws, felt fh good. about 60yd forehand hucks [gentle downwind] (almost end to end on that little field), maybe a few 65yd? hard to say, but a bit longer than my usual puts. good strength today. focus on tighter/stronger fh grip, then translating that to more spin, then using edge to get open I/O with some more leg usage.

4+4 to-bed knee fall layingout grab inside with disc

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


gentle warmup
Alactic sprints (phase 2 witmer, week 2)

6x of { 45+45yd sprints, 2 min rest.}
6min rest
3x of { 10 Mtn climbers, 10yd cleat sprint, 2min rest. }

creatine & maltodx after


tomorrow was going to do 30min run but tryout on sun so perhaps {
wed: DL week4 unload 5x{95, 115, 135}; BP (week1, to 95max: 5x{55,65,75+}) (forearm work); leg press 3x25 (hypertrophy strength-endurance); 100 KB swings (cardio strength); scrimmage (huck & break focus)
thu: 30min trail or track run (mental toughness, endurance)
fri: stationary bike; scrimmage (throw & go focus)
sat: sled pull, jump rope & stationary bike (catching focus)
sun: tryouts }