Tuesday, September 29, 2009

first practice

first practice, in some ways better than last years, some ways worse ^_^

better: overall mobility is leaps and bounds above last year 1st practice. hip mobility the other day was hot re: hip high knee rotation things. my mark feels really good with ankle mobility and s-phase athletic ready stance for quick motion. also can get lower for shuffles w/ hip.

better: in general more balanced strength wise, last year had just been deadlifting and dunno if my abductors were activated.

worse: i didn't really eat much last week, and didn't cardio train last week either. haven't been running for like a month due to heel pain, which is pretty much gone. today was the first time i ran in month+, forgot to bring superfeet for cleats! but feet feel okay for now, will check tomorrow.

worse: still recovering for zealous KB swings last week, and sometimes feel it in R side of mid-back, that one time i was practicing 45 lb bar overhead squat and wasn't ready :( haven't been doing birddogs or side planks for a while now boo.

better: my BH short power grip wrist flick is a lot better, my lunge is stronger / stabler, and my ankles are in better shape. same for thoracics and scapula mobility.

so basically i haven't been working on energy systems and core stability and it shows ^_^ err, will get back to that! i guess i'm at a point where i just need to maintain this strength and practice running, base cardio level, and core strength back up there to match my mobility and max-strength etc. a little more relaxed on field but still need to work on that sense and communication ~_~

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