Saturday, March 17, 2012

long time no gym

we didn't go to stanford open! sadface.

went to gym on thurs, first time in month? actually more like since feb3 so more like 5.5wk.
w/ wilson for a bit
foam roll

5x5 hang power clean [65, 85, 95, 100, 95]

toes out lying leg curl (hamstring) 3x8 75,85ish

TRX hip ups
1x20 lateral DB lunges

15min 3.56mi stationary bike


friday rain- 3+3 interval sprints to/from gates in rain (claw, quad, engr packard quad)


bw mixer
slightly out-of-shape but could be worse
tried one huck -- still not used to putting it in mixed (will think about what skiddo said re: guys and not starting to cut deep for it)
landed on shoulder a bit during layout D in endzone to stop score
good, w/ skiddo connie bling

thought about trying out for a more competitive team this summer to make nationals

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