Saturday, March 31, 2012


30min jog on track / 10 laps => 2.5mi
two fast 100-120m runs
70m sprint

Friday, March 30, 2012


16kg 2h swing

yesterday rest (and much sleep, FS too much?)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

squat, bench

7 days in a row
foam roll TFL
windmill BW

front squat (wk3 5/3/1)
5x95, 3x105, 2x115 - not feeling that squat strong, tight in L glute med afterward

bench (week 1 5/3/1)
5x50, 5x55, 8x70

leg extensions
8x130, 8x145, 8x160

15min 4.4mi stationary bike

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

clean, deadlift

day 6 in a row! (8 of last 9 days)

foam roll
hang clean 5x5: 65, 75, 80, 85, 95

deadlift 5/3/1: 5x165, 3x185, 1x205 (some min rest)

a few inverse bar pulls

Monday, March 26, 2012

lateral drills

small cone fast feet
large cone fast feed
alternating feed line drill
jab step agility ladder

lactic phase1 week2
4 reps { 5yd+back, 5 pushups, 10yd+back, 5 frog jump, 20yd+back, 120s rest }

throwing practice

nick agility ladder
4 reps + 5yd sprint {
- sideways half-box staple thing
- 2 box fwd, 1 box back
- two in two out diamonds
- 90 deg turn thing
- 3 step
- jab step

4 reps { 5, 10, 15, 20, 10 } 2min rest extended pro lateral drill

2 rep suicides { 10+back, 20+back, 30+back }

Sunday, March 25, 2012


foam roll (quads not as tight)
BW windmill (tight!)

first-time bench practice (!)
5x5- empty, empty BB, 55, 65, 75.
1x85, 0x95 (fail)

3x8 TRX pull

3x8 leg extension- 120,130,140
3x8 leg curl- 95, 100, 100
3x15s+15x swiss ball adductor squeeze

15min 3.7mi stationary bike

Saturday, March 24, 2012

split squat swing

20+25+30 calf raises on steps

stacks b-room
wall push 2x8

mega nap after pancakes/burger

6x15=120 2h 16kg swings


week plan:
sun: TRX, hypertrophy (leg), stationary bike
mon (outside): agility, lactic phase lateral drill
tue: 5x5 barbell hang cleans, kettlebell swings, core work
wed: low-rep, heavy front squats, active recovery cardio
thu (outside): sled acceleration, alactic sprints
fri: 30min run
sat: scrimmage
sun: rest

Friday, March 23, 2012

alactic sprints

6 sets 60yd cleated sprints / 150s rest in between

6min rest

6 sets 6x low split squat to jump, 15yd sprint


3x 10yd practice acceleration

20lb dough carry across campus

Thursday, March 22, 2012

sls squat

foam roll

3x5 trx assisted single leg squat
1+1 5yd sprint in between

3x8 trx chest pull

3x8 leg extension 100, 110, 120

20+25+25+20+20+18 12kg 2h swing

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


yesterday (tues)

foam roll
3x135 DL conventional

3x8 leg extension 95,100,105
45+45lb farmer's walk

5min 1.21mi stationary bike

Monday, March 19, 2012

hyper, trophy

earlier today, jog down / walk up SF hills

50lb sandbag carry 1.5x around building
foam roll

20kg goblet squat
RFESS 5x16kg 10x8kg 20xBW -- where's my valslide?
3x30 stair calf raise eccentric+concentric (most ever? the burn! ^_^)

RFESS asymmetric left side has less endurance, should work to balance that hopes

2x8 Oly bar front squat - focus on quad tension => need to 'trophy dat

3x10 45deg bent knee leg raise (weak at end range)
swiss ball 3x{15s+15x} squeeze

5+5 1h 16kg swing
20+20+20+20+10 2h 16kg swing

Saturday, March 17, 2012

long time no gym

we didn't go to stanford open! sadface.

went to gym on thurs, first time in month? actually more like since feb3 so more like 5.5wk.
w/ wilson for a bit
foam roll

5x5 hang power clean [65, 85, 95, 100, 95]

toes out lying leg curl (hamstring) 3x8 75,85ish

TRX hip ups
1x20 lateral DB lunges

15min 3.56mi stationary bike


friday rain- 3+3 interval sprints to/from gates in rain (claw, quad, engr packard quad)


bw mixer
slightly out-of-shape but could be worse
tried one huck -- still not used to putting it in mixed (will think about what skiddo said re: guys and not starting to cut deep for it)
landed on shoulder a bit during layout D in endzone to stop score
good, w/ skiddo connie bling

thought about trying out for a more competitive team this summer to make nationals