Tuesday, January 31, 2012


decisive on day 2

took break after

practices. need to work on faking more.

witmer legs workout.

3x8 front-foot elevated split squat 20+20 DB, 25, 25
3x8,8,6 toes out lying leg curl 75,75,85

3x8 hip-ups
3x8 front db box squat (forgot ankle extension)

3x20 calf raise

3x8 lateral db lunges 10+10lb

20.12min 5mi bike

Friday, January 13, 2012

sleep analysis

weighted blanket (1 night): time to Z=32min, wake=15%

w/ whole foods supp (5 night): time to Z=65min, wake=?
w/o wf supp (8 night): time to Z=95 min

ttZ v ser:
50mg (4) => 96
100mg (6) => 86.3
150mg (3) => 61

Thursday, January 12, 2012



led warmup

more practice leading depending on speed
could use a little less vertical float (too high is harder to catch for rookies), more horizontal float

turning at stall 3
practiced lefty backhand dump

if dump D is poaching a little away can run hard to/through break side

on D practice closing buffer when they cut in/deep rather than maintaining it--stop the threat

1+1 65yd sprints

Monday, January 9, 2012

practice 0

first practice

pretty balanced

throws good, did i complete all my scrimmage hucks? hmm. conditioning ok-good but lactate threshold could be better.

single/double leg strength for cutting good.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


yesterday(sat) pickup on oval (~2h but just about 10-15 points)

needed to warmup forehand
threw lefty backhand successfully/well for first time in game!
conditioning ok-good but endurance could still be better

Thursday, January 5, 2012


foam roll
trifecta -- getting easy w chair sit / L thing, twist

hang power clean (from knee)
3x4- 85x3, 95x3, 105x3, 110x3

PR clean 115x2

goblet squat DB 3x8
30x8, 40x8, 45x8

3x10 pull diagonal beam

25+25 DB RFESS x5

2x5 floor + 2x8 high box push-up (tris sore form last mon)

3x25 calf raise

10min 2.25mi stationary bike

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


30min track
5x400m+100m run
230 fastest lp

2.5min treadmill

20min 5.5mi stationary bike

Monday, January 2, 2012

3x5 throw

foam roll w slim
warm-up- leg swings, shuffle, skip skip stretch, 2x15 lunges fwd/back, donkeys

3x5 squat jumps BW
jumping sky practice

3x8 goblet squat 20,25,30
3x10 push-up
x5 35+35 DB RFESS, x20 BW RFESS
3x10 vertical pull to TRX post

2x25 calf raise
x15 bent frog raise
45s plank

90+min throwing practice
fh hucks good, should better..
lots of lefty backhand practice, straight and loft

Sunday, January 1, 2012


5mile dish hike w ma
1+1 16kg 1/2 TGU