Saturday, December 28, 2013

July-August-September 2013

2013 July-August-September
July 1 throwing practice at Baylands
July 2 Incline push, step-ups, clamshells, huarache run

July 7 5x5 barbell rear-foot elevated split squat, bench press, power clean / press cardio strength training complex vertical push/pull, TRX atomic push-up & pike, TRX row

front and side planks, clamshell, quad/calf hypertrophy, woodway interval run, 90lb loaded carry.

1hr low-key pick-up on the oval.

July 8 35min non-stationary bike commute, 75min yin yoga
July 9 Foam roll, sprint/run brief on woodway, restorative yoga
July 10 bike commute: 25min+25min
July 11 5min woodway run, foam roll/stretch, 10min recovery stationary bike 130bpm. Hand extension-flexion stretch-shorten cycles for catching practice.
July 12 joint mobility warmup, lunges, hopping, soleus stretch
July 13 3 games Ultimate @ SD Slammer
14 unilateral suitcase carry for distance/time.. w a medium suitcase
July 15 Walk, calf raises, ankle mobility (knee to wall), practice RFESS [split squat]. Downward dog: ankle dorsiflexion, hamstring stretch, scapula pull-in. Step-outs, dump/swing patterns
July 16 morning yoga. valslide reverse lunge 5x5, leg raise practice, 3x10 band clamshell
July 17 Morning yoga, afternoon warmup jog, dumbbell rear-foot elevated split squat, horizontal cable press, static bar pull, 15min stationary bike
July 18 Warmup jog, valslide reverse lunges, jump rope work (singles and doubles)
Pallof press, static pull, PNF diagonal cable chop&lift, sprint, leg raise, clamshell ladders, assisted stretches,

interval run to google NY

19 Suitcase carries around manhattan
July 20 5839 steps

July 23 Suitcase / loaded carry, 30+ lb, 20 min intervals

July 25 late night yoga
July 26 rope warmup.
front-load barbell lunge 4+3+3, fat bar bench 4+3+3, single leg BB glute bridge 5x2, fat 3x3 pull, barbell rollout 5x2;

shoulderstand squat 50rep, 1/2 TGU 8kg practice, 3x8 knee tuck, 3x12 glute med clamshell, 15+15min bike

July 27 throwing practice: mid-dist hammers in wind (need more speed/smooth), upsidedown bh.
3.5hr mixed caliber ultimate @ oval. O focus: bh arounds for both dump-swing, moving mark as fake. implemented quick-release bh for swing. fh breaks. D focus: intensity mindfulness

pushups in hot tub; cold shower

July 28 stationary bike warmup, unilateral supine 8kg KB press 3x6.5, 3x15 knee tucks, shoulderstand squats, 12-14-16-18 calf raise ladders, downward facing dog & stretches
July 29 Morning movement 1hr practice: track jog, Z neural warmup, gain/drop steps, stagger squats
July 30 Heavy lifting: couches, chairs, tables, boxes
July 31 Loaded carry chairs, boxes; 2mi walk

August 1 heavy lifting bed & boxes: 3h unloading uhaul
August 2
5 min woodway warm, stretch

Stagger squat practice (vary distance)

3x3 RFESS 65lb; lunge (split squat) 3/2/3/2 (65,55lb)

pull (TRX row 3x3); anterior core (bar rollout 2x5)

Clamshell 4x12 pb green band; Calf raise 3x15 Knee tuck 10,5,5; layout patterning

track: drop steps, jab step play, jog

August 3 tempo beach practice
August 4
Z neural warmup/jog. Dropstep.

RFESS 2x5 65lb

185lb 2-1-1 conventional deadlift

clean & front squat 85lb 3x1; 10lb vert military press plate

stagger/split squat. 2x5

4x20 Knee tuck, 4x20 calf raise,

TRX push/pike/plank x6

Forearm work #swoll (curl and pronate, extend & supinate)

August 5
30min movement practice: footwork/dropstep, jab step cutting at speed w/ cleats, step-out w cones, sprint.

1hr throwing practice w/ slim: TODO de-wobble hammer, quick release bh break, throwing w/ momentum, teaching pull mechanics

August 6 SF hill walk, foam roll, 2x5 DB RFESS (20+20, 30+30)
8kg KB MP, 8kg TGU, 16kg KB snatch/swing practice

TRX push/pike/plank, TRX squat pry / forearm curl&pronate

10-12.5mph sprint intervals

August 7 2h pod workout/practice: throwing, 3v3 mini, marking drill, dish huck, 8min abs
August 8 recovery day: 30min stationary bike @ fitness SF, HR 120-140bpm, 4.3mi
August 9 walk, rest, power nap
August 10 4h tempo team practice: sprints, cutting, throw & go, scrimmage
11 4hr tempo practice @ baylands: go-to, break/7cut, defensive footwork, zone D/O, scrimmage
August 12 light recovery day:
ASP assessment (SFMA, jump rope warmup, knee/low spider+t-spine opener, lunge dynamics, sprint, [reactive] bounding)

20min stationary bike 120-140bpm, 5min light jog < 140bpm

hip internal rotation mob.,

TRX push-up/pike/plank, forearm 2x5, TRX squat/cossack pry

BW shoulderstand squats, BW knee tucks

4x15 calf raise, half-kneeling hip flexors stretch, downward facing dog hold into up/child's pose

August 13 walking, brief interval runs in soma looking for a bathroom #foundit
August 14
1mi SF down/uphill walk

foam roll & pec stretch, hip rotation mob. downward dog / leg swings, shoulderstand squats, stretch hip flexors, calf raises

heavy singles day:

BB hang clean 95-100-105-110-115(miss)-105lb

BB conv. deadlift 185-205-225-235lb

135lb barbell rollout/in 1x2

3 sets { 30s line jump, 70yd sprint, jog back, 10 push-ups, 1min, 30s doggies, 1min rest } w/ kstan & skyrim!

medium-long distance throwing

marking drill

August 15
1mi easy run

benchP 85-90-95-100-100lb

Wide chin -(85,75,65,55)

Forearm work

Knee tuck 3x15, Clamshell 3x15

August 16
Foam roll make out session

TrueStretch SM

Shoulder stand squat

Opposing joint mob

3 set (downward dog press&hold 30s, up, child's pose)

5min woodway walk/jog/run < 150bpm

10min st. bike < 135bpm

August 17 3h tempo team practice #overstim
August 19
foam roll (esp. lats) / stick lateral posterior neck

15+3min stationary bike <135bpm
AIS w/ strap

ASLR, hip flexor stretch, wall ankle rocks

backward box drop, kneeling side catch

wall hold w/ march / 10yd acceleration

keiser VJ 4x5, 2DB split squat 3x8, hip swivel

slideboard leg curl, plank w/ marching

20 SMR/stick/SLDL
box drop 18", tall kneeling side catch
wall holds / 10yd accel
falling MB throw / flat BP 3x6
crossover reverse fly 3x6, TRX row 3x10
1/2TGU 8kg 2x3

August 21 scrimmage v nightlock
August 22 2+ mi SF walk
August 23 foam roll & correctives
August 24 sleep a lot

August 26 foam roll (esp. lats), ankle mobility
1-leg box drop 12" 3x5, tall kneeling side catch
10yd accel => tender, stop
keiser VJ 4x5
hexbar deadlift => pain :(, stop
RFE split-squat => tweaky :-/, skip

lateral slideboard 3x8
lax ball in R glute
barbell hip lift 3x8, DB row 3x8
keiser push/pull, quadruped dynamic stability

27 15min recovery elliptical <140bpm bpm--="" nbsp="">
August 28 foam roll
backward 2leg box drop 18" / tall kneeling side catch
keiser VJ 15psi
skip split squat
slideboard lateral 3x8/curl 3x8
20lb DB overhead press 3x8
front plank w/ leg march => nope
front plank 3x8breath

August 30 foam roll
15min elliptical <140bpm nbsp="" p="">forearm TRX
August 31 3 games @ labor day 1350+ kcal

September 1 2.5 games @ labor day
September 2 foam roll (*lats), stick (*R trap/levator scapula)
lateral 1-legged box drop & stick
crossover keiser fly
18" 3x6 chest-box push-up
1-arm row
1/2 8kg TGU 2.5x3 pair w/ bilateral janda short foot
September 3 Dozen+ flights of airport stairs
suitcase carry in Switzerland

10min illicit biking in German airport until stopped #oops

September 4 hotel workout in firenze #italia tiger tail SMR (neck, lats, calves), breathing 90/90
split squat
BW bed pushup
3x6 pairing: TRX row 3x10, BW pivots
superset: calf raise 3x20, knee tucks 3x15
bilateral janda short foot
see nekkid david
eat pasta

September 5 interval sprints to uffizi art gallery
italian cheesecake

September 6 1hr recovery walk in switzerland
park bench push-up 3x8
waiter's walk w backpack
September 7 tiger tail SMR
TRX row 3x8
superset: 3x15 calf raise, 3x25 knee tuck
3x18 TRX forearm; Z hip circles
rooftop pool; hot/cold contrast therapy in underground spa #switzerland

September 10 SMR, keiser VJ, DB row, hex bar DL, push/pull, shoulder stabilization
September 11 25min elliptical
tempo pod @ wilbur
throwing w slim

September 14 1-day tourney

September 18 Keiser crossover pull, flat bench, 1/2 TGU, 1hr throwing practice bh
September 19 22min elliptical

September 22 4hr team practice, sprints, 2hr pickup ultimate for cardio
September 23 10min jump rope (<160bpm)), 20min elliptical (<135bpm) 
September 24 5min jump rope, 10min interval sprints: 10s on, 2+min rest; 10min stationary bike; lunch; keiser VJ, hexbar deadlift, barbell hip lift

September 28 4 games @ regionals
29 2 games @ tempe, AZ
September 30 foam roll, 5min jump rope, 10min stationary bike, 5min wood way run/walk/sprint intervals 15:15/30:30